

Example of a deceased patient.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-AnitaLambertsDeceasedPatient-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
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    "birthDate": "1993-11-14",
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    "address":  [
            "line":  [
                "1, Vale Roads, Claygate",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "AP123"
            "display": "123 Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a deceased patient.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-AnitaLambertsMotherDeceasedPatient-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "F",
                        "display": "Female"
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    "deceasedBoolean": false,
    "address":  [
            "line":  [
                "1, Vale Roads, Claygate",
            "postalCode": "BM17 2QN"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "AP123"
            "display": "123 Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
            "other": {
                "reference": "RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-AnitaLambertsDeceasedPatient-Example"
            "type": "seealso"
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        <type value="seealso" />
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        <type value="seealso" />


Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-DemeizaSeo-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
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    "birthDate": "2011-01-26",
    "deceasedBoolean": false,
    "address":  [
            "line":  [
                "1 Aragon Avenue,",
                "Thames Ditton"
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            "postalCode": "KT7 0PY"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "TP123"
            "display": "123 Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-FayMutlow-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
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                "Union Mills",
                "9 Dewsbury Rd",
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                "system": "",
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Example of a patient resource(foetal) with with minimal details

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-FoetusOfRyanneBoulder-Example",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.",
            "value": "FT-RWT13521",
            "assigner": {
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-JamesMetcalfe-Example",
    "extension":  [
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                "9 Boxhill Hill,",
            "city": "Kent",
            "postalCode": "GH20 7PF"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "display": "Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-KayBurbridge-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
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    "birthDate": "1983-06-02",
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            "line":  [
                "106 Telegraph Road",
                "Milton Keynes"
            "postalCode": "HR5 3PR"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "TP123"
            "display": "Test GP Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient returned by a PDS search.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-MeirLiebermanPDS-Example",
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    "birthDate": "2005-12-19",
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            "line":  [
                "1 Spinney Close",
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            "city": "Surrey"
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Example of a patient returned by a PDS search.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-LindsaySorrellPDS-Example",
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                "31 THE AVENUE",
                "BERWICK COURT"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-LindsaySorrell-Example",
    "extension":  [
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            "line":  [
                "31 THE AVENUE",
                "BERWICK COURT"
            "postalCode": "KT4 7BS"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "AP123"
            "display": "anywhere place"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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        <type value="seealso" />


Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-MeirLieberman-Example",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "display": "123 Test Practice"
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            "other": {
                "reference": ""
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-PatrickSammy-Example",
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            "display": "123 Test Practice"
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            "other": {
                "reference": ""
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-PheobeSmitham-Example",
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                "system": "",
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            "other": {
                "reference": ""
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Example of a patient resource with minimal information.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-PheobeSmithamFather-Example",
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                "1, Middlemead Close",
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            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
            "other": {
                "reference": "RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-AliceSmithamProbandFather-Example"
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-PheobeSmithamMother-Example",
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                "Union Mills",
                "9, Dewsbury Rd",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
            "other": {
                "reference": "RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-AliceSmithamProbandMother-Example"
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-RyanneBoulder-Example",
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                "53 Eastwick Pack Avenue",
            "postalCode": "KT23 3NP"
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                "system": "",
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
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    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
            "other": {
                "reference": "RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-RyanneBoulder-Example"
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            <reference value="RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-RyanneBoulder-Example" />
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Example of a patient resource with with minimal details.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-RyanneBoulderPartner-Example",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.",
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            "assigner": {
                "identifier": {
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "RAX"
    "gender": "male",
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": "RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-RyanneBoulderPartner-Example"
            "type": "seealso"
<Patient xmlns="">
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                <value value="RAX" />
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            <reference value="RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson-RyanneBoulderPartner-Example" />
        <type value="seealso" />


Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-SalimaPomfrets-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
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    "birthDate": "1993-11-27",
    "deceasedBoolean": false,
    "address":  [
            "line":  [
                "1 How lane,",
                "Chipstead, Wolvertom",
                "Milton Keynes"
            "postalCode": "TM10 8AM"
    "generalPractitioner":  [
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "AP123"
            "display": "123 Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-TimMclullichs-Example",
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
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                "1 Outwood Road",
                "Crosswinds, Chipstead,"
            "city": "Buckinghamshire",
            "postalCode": "OM10 8DF"
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            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "G9999999"
            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
                "system": "",
                "value": "TP123"
            "display": "123 Test Practice"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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Example of a patient resource with additional information attached, linked to a PDS record.

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "Patient-ZelmaHadjkiss-Example",
    "extension":  [
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            "identifier": {
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            "display": "Dr. Aero Smith"
            "identifier": {
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            "display": "anywhere place"
    "link":  [
            "other": {
                "reference": ""
            "type": "seealso"
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    <id value="Patient-ZelmaHadjkiss-Example" />
    <extension url="">
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                <code value="F" />
                <display value="Female" />
    <extension url="">
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                <code value="A" />
                <display value="White - British" />
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        <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." />
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        <given value="Zelma" />
    <gender value="female" />
    <birthDate value="2011-03-19" />
        <line value="2 Barclay Close" />
        <line value="Fetcham" />
        <line value="Leatherhead" />
        <line value="Surrey" />
        <postalCode value="KT22 9SY" />
            <system value="" />
            <value value="G9999999" />
        <display value="Dr. Aero Smith" />
            <system value="" />
            <value value="AP123" />
        <display value="anywhere place" />
            <reference value="" />
        <type value="seealso" />