Test Request


Elements are included for the billing approach, TAT/SLA tracking and prioritisation. To confirm validity of urgency and apply lower level prioritisation. To know which test has been requested, which further tests are required within this request and how many patients are being tested within this request.


Mapped to ServiceRequest, extensions are still in review. CI and CITT codes for genomic tests are pending addition to SNOMED-CT


Source Data item Target FHIR Element HL7v2.5.1 Mapping Description
Test request - Test request id ServiceRequest.identifier ORC-2 Unique id to identify this test request.
Test request - Payment status ServiceRequest.extension:coverage IN1-15 How the test request is funded. The current ValueSet for this field needs expansion to match MDSv1.03
Test request - Date and time request sent ServiceRequest.authoredOn ORC-9 Date and time the test request was made.
Test request - Reason for testing ServiceRequest.reasonCode ORC-16 The reason for a genomic test.
Test request - Is test identifier multipurpose N/A inferred through ServiceRequest.code (as this is defined within the Test Directory) OBR-4 Confirmation if the test identifier (TD code) is multipurpose and therefore also requires additional test identifiers.
Test request - Is test identifier for requested, attempted or delivered N/A inferred through ServiceRequest.code (changes to ServiceRequest are expected as part of order fulfillment. History of changes, capturing requested code vs. attempted and delivered, are expected to be recorded within ServiceRequest resource history, reasons for changes SHOULD be captured witihn associated Provenance resources) OBR-4 Confirmation if a provided test identifier was requested, attempted or delivered.
Test request - High level test identifier version ServiceRequest.code.coding.version OBR-4.3 The version of the high level CI referred to.
Test request - High level test identifier ServiceRequest.code.coding.code OBR-4.1 The high level id which identifies the requested test. Options provided by Test Directory.
Test request - High level test identifier description ServiceRequest.code.coding.display OBR-4.2 The high level id which identifies the requested test. Options provided by Test Directory.
Test request - High level test identifier system ref ServiceRequest.code.coding.system OBR-4.4 The high level system reference for the considered test.
Test request - Low level test identifier version ServiceRequest.code.coding.version OBR-4.3 The version of the low level CITT referred to.
Test request - Low level test identifier ServiceRequest.code.coding.code OBR-4.1 The low level id which identifies the requested test. Options provided by Test Directory.
Test request - Low level test identifier description ServiceRequest.code.coding.display OBR-4.2 The low level id which identifies the requested test. Options provided by Test Directory.
Test request - Low level test identifier system ref ServiceRequest.code.coding.system OBR-4.4 The low level system reference for the considered test.
Test request - Patient set to be tested (pending review) N/A - Determined through number of ServiceRequests in the test order N/A - determined through number of ORC segments within OML^O21 message Confirmation if the test is a singleton, duo or trio.
Test request - Count of patients to be tested N/A - Determined through number of Patients referenced in ServiceRequests in test order N/A - determined through number of PID segments referenced from ORC segments within OML^O21 message Count of patients to be tested.
Test request - Urgency reason ServiceRequest.extension:priorityReason N/A could possibly use TQ1-10 If urgent, the test request urgency reason.
Test request - Reason for reanalysis Additional ServiceRequest.reasonCode/reasonReference elements OBR-13 segment linked to ORC The reason for a genomic test.
Test request - Type of reanalysis ServiceRequest.orderDetail Additional NTE segments attached to OBR The type of reanalysis which has been requested.
Test request - DNA storage information ServiceRequest.orderDetail Additional NTE segments attached to OBR If the reason for testing is DNA storage, this captures further detail.
Test request - Is urgent ServiceRequest.priority TQ1-9 Confirmation if the test request is urgent.
Test request - Detail of reason for reanalysis ServiceRequest.supportingInfo elements (if structured, ServiceRequest.note if unstructured TBC) NTE segments linked to OBR segment for reanalysis reason The detail associated to the reason reanalysis has been requested.
Test request - Date report required by ServiceRequest.occurrenceDateTime OBR-8 The date a completed genomic report is required by.
Test request - Further information ServiceRequest.supportingInfo (if structured, ServiceRequest.note if unstructured TBC) Additional segments attached to ORC/OBR Further information regarding the test request.
Test request - Item sent N/A indicated through Tasks related to ServiceRequest changing owner, Tasks may reference Specimen resources through Task.input if they relate to samples being sent TBC Status updates as part of test order fulfillment are not expected to represented within HL7v2 messages Item being sent to another location.
Test request - Item destination ODS code Task.owner As above Subsequent ODS code of destination for stipulated item.