Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes

Example Observation Birth weight: Both the code for body weight from the zib and the code for birth weight as defined in PWD3.2 are included in the example for birth weigh. Also category and effectiveDateTime are added conform zib-bodyweight profile and this profile is added in meta.profile.

Profile bc-BirthObservation: The mapping of data element PWD3.2 4111 is changed from valueCodeableConcept to valueDateTime. A couple of unneccessary/incorrect elements are removed from the profile bc-BirthObservation:

  • Element with path Observation.extension including children
  • min node in element with path Observation.extension:birth
  • Slicing node including children in element with path Observation.value:valueCodeableConcept
  • Slicing node including children in element with path Observation.value:valueDateTime
  • Element with path Observation.component.referenceRange including children

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