Release notes

Release candidate 14 for eOverdracht 4.0 conformance resources.

The conformance resources in this package should be considered stable for common use. However, the resources might still be subject to small but non-backward compatible changes.

This release fixes the following issues:

  • EOVDR-387: In CapabilityStatements waren de .interaction-elementen onjuist geformatteerd. Dit is aangepast.
  • EOVDR-391: Vanuit de Composition-resources moet op verschillende plekken naar DeviceUseStatement-resources gerefereerd worden. De Composition-profielen gaven dit niet overal correct aan. Dat is gecorrigeerd.
  • EOVDR-397: In scenario 1.1b van de technische testscript was er ten onrechte een Patient.communication-element opgenomen. Deze is verwijderd.
  • MM-4772: Spelling mistakes were fixed and other small adjustments were made.
  • MM-4781: The type element of the extension zib-TreatmentDirective-TreatmentPermitted has been corrected from "primitive-type" to "complex-type".

Canonical claims Claimed Claimed
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Name Version Release date
hl7.fhir.r3.core 3.0.2 0.1.2 2.2.13