Release notes
  • Add ValueSet DAV-VS-ERP-DEUEV-Anlage-8

  • DAV_PR_Base_Apotheke (

    • Set Binding (DAV-VS-ERP-DEUEV-Anlage-8)
    • Set maxLength to 3
  • DAV_PR_Base_Apotheke (Organization.identifier.value)

    • Change contraint "PR-Apotheke-1"
      • Set severity-level to error

Release 1.2.0-rc4

  • FIX binding-ValueSet DAV-EX-ERP-Zusatzattribute -> Key PreisguenstigesFAM & ImportFAM

Release 1.2.0-rc3

  • Add Keys 0, 4 and 5 to ZusatzattributFAMSchluesselMarkt
  • Add CodeSystem / ValueSet DAV_CS_ERP_ZusatzattributFAMSchluesselImportFAM and Binding in profile (DAV-EX-ERP-Zusatzattribute)

Release 1.2.0-rc2

  • new versioning scheme (Profile x.y Package x.y.z)

  • DAV-PR-Base-ZusatzdatenEinheit (Invoice.lineItem.priceComponent.factor)

    • Change Constraint (PR-ZusatzdatenEinheit-1)
      • old Expression: "toString().matches('^\d{1,5}$')"
      • new Expression: "toString().matches('^\d{1,6}(.\d{1,6})?$')"

Canonical claims Claimed
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Name Version Release date
de.basisprofil.r4 0.9.13
hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1