The German Psychiatric Data Set (GPDS) is a nationally uniform minimal data set for the systematic collection of scientific data on mental health in child and adolescent and adult psychiatry in Germany.
Standardization of data related to mental health comes with many hurdles. An axiom like "mental illness is like any other medical illness" simplifies a complex human problem at best and does a disservice to patients and the mental health field at worst. Achieving interoperability is therefore a complex process due to the complexity of mental disorders.
For a fundamental understanding of the work processes in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Charité, impulses from Prof. Dr. med. Christoph U. Correll and Viktor B. Nöhles were included. In order to capture everyday clinical practice in the context of adult psychiatry, interviews were conducted with Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj, Dr. Sabine Aust and Dr. Julian Hellmann-Regen.
Publication | |
Date | 01.01.2025 |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Maturity Level | MM0 |
Status | draft |
Realm | DE |
Contact Person
- Nina Haffer (BIH@Charité)
- Nina Haffer (BIH@Charité)
- Paul Müller (BIH@Charité)
- Sylvia Thun (BIH@Charité)
- Viktor Nöhles (Charité)
- Malek Bajbouj (Charité)
- Julian Hellmann-Regen (Charité)
- Sabine Aust (Charité)
- Christoph Correll (Charité)
- Piper Ranallo (University of Minnesota)
- William Bosl (University of San Francisco)
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The content of this document is public. Please note that parts of this document are based on FHIR Version R4, which is copyrighted by HL7 International.