Drive and Motor Function

ValueSet 'Antrieb_und_Motorik'


A Value Set for example codes

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • The following codes from system:

    b130Funktionen der psychischen Energie und des Antriebs
    b1602Inhalt des Denkens
    b1300Ausmaß der psychischen Energie
    b1470Psychomotorische Kontrolle
    b7652Tics und Manierismen
  • The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT

    247752005Level of interest (observable entity)
    440398005Level of fatigue (observable entity)
    84229001Fatigue (finding)
    301325005Finding of general energy (finding)
    224960004Tired (finding)
    247753000Loss of interest (finding)
    365462008Finding of level of interest (finding)
    134418002Level of interest - normal (finding)
    713566001Lack of interest (finding)
    248274002Lack of energy (finding)
    712890000Normal energy level (finding)
    214264003Lethargy (finding)
    1144523008Normal activity tolerance (finding)
    248268002Tires quickly (finding)
    248270006Quickly exhausted (finding)
    248269005Tired on least exertion (finding)
    248271005Exhausted on least exertion (finding)
    26413003Low motivation (finding)
    64423005Normal motivation (finding)
    365136007Finding related to ability to perform general purpose physical activities (finding)
    274647009Restlessness and agitation (finding)
    24199005Feeling agitated (finding)
    28277004Behavior showing increased motor activity (finding)
    162221009Restlessness (finding)
    284514000Continuously shifting in seat (finding)
    263897001Feeling tense (finding)
    736330000Avolition (finding)
    365441007Finding of mental state: drive (finding)
    160245001No current problems or disability (situation)
    282474007Able to run (finding)
    68130003Physical activity (observable entity)
    302000008Does move (finding)
    282476009Does run (finding)
    79915001Fatigability (finding)
    359752005Energy and stamina finding (finding)
    44548000Hyperactive behavior (finding)
    405052004Level of stress (observable entity)
    276301007Increased energy (finding)
    716411007Able to have functional level of stamina (finding)
    247799003Pessimistic (finding)
    28669007Anhedonia (finding)
    248054003Self-neglect (finding)
    247755007Withdrawn (finding)
    102894008Feeling calm (finding)
    18193002Hypochondriasis (disorder)
    12479006Compulsive behavior (finding)
    386808001Phobia (finding)
    247887003Unable to resist obsessional thoughts (finding)
    67698009Obsessional thoughts (finding)
    285286004Compulsion to act on thoughts (finding)
    106121005Motivation finding (finding)
    247750002Drive (observable entity)
    86808004Increased motivation (finding)
    47295007Psychomotor agitation (finding)
    276306002Loss of initiative (finding)
    248026005Complex mannerisms - behavior (finding)
    88052002Mutism (finding)
    449191001Logorrhea (finding)
    416909000Impaired psychomotor performance (finding)
    5158005Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (disorder)
    40979000Lack of exercise (finding)
    268674003Developmental disorder of motor function (disorder)
    257733005Activity (observable entity)
    43994002Behavior showing reduced motor activity (finding)
    1171000175109Increased physical activity (finding)
    65401001Psychomotor development, function (observable entity)