Thinking and Perception

ValueSet 'Denken_und_Wahrnehmung'


A Value Set for example codes

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • The following codes from system:

    b1602Inhalt des Denkens
    b110Funktion des Bewusstseins
    b1101Kontinuität des Bewusstseins
    b1102Qualität des Bewusstseins
    b160Funktionen des Denkens
    b1603Kontrolle des Denkens
    b1601Form des Denkens
    b156Funktionen der Wahrnehmung
    b1568Funktionen der Wahrnehmung, anders bezeichnet
    b1561Auditive Wahrnehmung
  • The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT

    247642000Thought process (observable entity)
    363877005Thought content (observable entity)
    55956009Disturbance in content of thought (finding)
    225445003Intrusive thoughts (finding)
    83507006Finding of thought content (finding)
    247640008Unable to think clearly (finding)
    41591006Disorder of form of thought (finding)
    365252004Finding of thought process (finding)
    28810003Flight of ideas (finding)
    285303006Racing thoughts (finding)
    78205008Irrational thoughts (finding)
    225452001Paranoid delusion (finding)
    7011001Hallucinations (finding)
    40917007Clouded consciousness (finding)
    443371007Decreased level of consciousness (finding)
    247888008Awareness of self (observable entity)
    81742003Perception function (observable entity)
    247627003Slow flow of thought (finding)
    247626007Speed of thought (observable entity)
    56435009Poverty of thought (finding)
    2899008Thought block (finding)
    247619007Thought finding (finding)
    44515000Perseveration (finding)
    86110000Rumination - thoughts (finding)
    247648001Loss of direction of thought (finding)
    2073000Delusion (finding)
    64514005Delusional perception (finding)
    247672006Delusional mood (finding)
    41189006Ideas of reference (finding)
    8330006Delusion of infidelity (finding)
    53108004Delusion of guilt (finding)
    77303001Delusion of poverty (finding)
    247688006Hypochondriacal delusion (finding)
    18193002Hypochondriasis (disorder)
    1157237004Altered perception (finding)
    5152006Illusion (finding)
    247730001Verbal auditory hallucinations (finding)
    45150006Auditory hallucinations (finding)
    64269007Visual hallucinations (finding)
    762620006Somatic hallucination (finding)
    57095008Pseudohallucinations (finding)
    192041001Acute situational disturbance (disorder)
    36480000Disturbance of perception associated with conversion and dissociative phenomenon (finding)
    40806005Derealization (finding)
    281770004Ego strength finding (finding)
    86917003Thought broadcast (finding)
    87076008Thought withdrawal (finding)
    50543005Thought insertion (finding)
    365320002Finding of independence of thought (finding)
    444714004Assessment of consciousness level (procedure)
    5294002Developmental disorder (disorder)
    110359009Intellectual disability (disorder)
    1855002Developmental academic disorder (disorder)
    88952004Thinking, function (observable entity)
    3006004Disturbance of consciousness (finding)
    365933000Finding of mental alertness (finding)
    64336009Incoherent thinking (finding)
    224988005Repressing thoughts (finding)
    247643005Loud thoughts (finding)
    44376007Dissociative disorder (disorder)