
ValueSet 'Einsicht_und_Beurteilung'


A Value Set for example codes

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • The following codes from system:

    b1645Das Urteilsvermögen betreffende Funktionen
    b1644Das Einsichtsvermögen betreffende Funktionen
  • The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT

    304688001Unable to make considered choices (finding)
    286776006Indecisive character (finding)
    719743007Able to make decisions (finding)
    247585004Difficulty making decisions (finding)
    365923008Finding related to decision making (finding)
    1157171003Does not use denial as a defense mechanism (finding)
    365945009Finding of illness behavior (finding)
    278871005Inappropriate illness behavior (finding)
    248020004Bizarre behavior (finding)
    61372001Aggressive behavior (finding)
    24340004Lack of insight (finding)
    1296859006Procedure declined (situation)
    714421002Difficulty agreeing with care plan (finding)
    64336009Incoherent thinking (finding)
    44376007Dissociative disorder (disorder)
    281770004Ego strength finding (finding)
    86917003Thought broadcast (finding)
    87076008Thought withdrawal (finding)
    50543005Thought insertion (finding)
    365320002Finding of independence of thought (finding)