YamlGen Specification

Standard YAML

YamlGen allows you to write standard yaml to generate FHIR resources. This means that if you know very basic yaml, you should be able to write most FHIR resources. Have a look at the following example in yaml:

  id: 1
    given: Marie
    family: Curie

This will result in the following resource in xml:

  <id value="1" />
    <given value="Marie" />
    <family value="Curie" />

Alternatively in json, it would produce:

    "_id": "1",
    "name": {
        "given": "Marie",
        "family": "Curie"

If you compare the yaml example with the xml and json examples, it is clear that the yaml version is already more concise


Note that you can use comments in yaml:

# this is an example

  id: example