YamlGen Specification

Auto generation

You can use YamlGen to auto generate FHIR resource data. This works with an accelerator named $auto. This is a pseudo-field, that generates data on the level where it is placed. It takes one or more generator names.

Simple example:

The following script takes the 'example' values from the Patient profile for address:

        $auto: empty

resulting in:

    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "1",
    "address":  [
            "use": "",
            "type": "",
            "text": "",
            "line":  [
            "city": "",
            "district": "",
            "state": "",
            "postalCode": "",
            "country": ""

You can place the $auto pseudo-field on any level that is not an actual value.

The following generators exist:

  • example - takes example values from the profile
  • random - generates random values
  • fixed - puts the fixed values from the profile
  • code - fills in a random code from the referenced valueset or codesystem
  • empty - generates empty values

They are consumed in order, so you would use the ones that always produce a value, the last: This will create a full example:

    $auto: code, example, fixed, random, empty