Firely Terminal

Release Notes: Firely Terminal 2.5.0-beta-1

For installation see:

You can find the nuget package here:


  • Since 3.4, we bake packages during install, and manually using fhir bake. But the snapshots generated by this bake was wrong, due to not generating the proper element id's. That is fixed in this release.
  • There were some differences in the engines for the different FHIR versions that Firely Terminal supports (the ones you can switch with the fhir spec command). These engines have been aligned.


With this release, we have more advanced synchronization logic, that compares changes with the server. Resulting in less accidental overwrites. Many of the fhir project <command> paths have changed in the way they work. This is also the main reason this version is released as beta first.


Until now a fhir project folder had to have the same name as the url key of the project in Simplifier. That is no longer necessary. You can configure the remote project link with

> fhir project remote <urlkey>

If you wish to know the details of the current remote, use:

> fhir project remote --details

Canonical Claims

With our release of Simplifier 28.2, we have matured canonical claims - the base(s) canonical that all canonicals in a project or package has to start with (conform to). This is an important driver to ensure the quality of conformance resources in projects and packages, and as such will have a significant impact on the ranking in search results etc.

To help you with this, we have also added canonical claim checking to the Quality Control mechanism of Simplifier and Firely Terminal. In Firely Terminal, add a file called project.yaml, that looks like this to add your canonical claims:


When running quality control, you will get the warning messages for any resource that has a canonical that does not conform to any of the listed canonical claims.

If you have your own custom Quality Control rules, (a <name>.rules.yaml file), you can enable canonical-claim checking with this rule:

- action: claims
  status: Checking if all conformance resources adhere to your canonical claims # or write your own text here.

Suite Validator

We have been working on a new validator in the past year which is part of our component suite. It's a validator that is more flexible and has been built in close alignment with HL7. As a result it does not only meets the quality standards that we think are important, but also the latest requirements by HL7. This validator has now been build into Firely Terminal. It is still in try-out (beta) feature. So it's not enabled by default. In order to use it, use the --suite flag.

> fhir push mypatient.xml
> fhir validate --suite

When this feature has matured, you can use it in any part of Firely Terminal where validation is involved.