In order to reduce bandwidth, we try to do as much heavy lifting as possible on the server. The from clause can be translated to a specific FHIR endpoint, but the field (paths) in a where clause cannot. For now we have solved this with a specific `search' clause.
Search clause
A search clause allows field=value
expressions where a field is any known fhir search parameter. You can provide more than one parameter using an and
using '' from Patient search name='Chalmers' and _id=123 select name.given[0],
The query above, will do the following search request to the FHIR server, before actually executing the query on the resulting data:
Since a Fhir Server is allowed to ignore unknown and unimplemented parameters, this statement can produce unpredictable results. It's recomendable to repeat your filter in the actual where clause, where you can use FhirPath expressions that are guaranteed and accurate.