Link Function

The link( ) function, makes a link from any kind of (understood) reference. It can optionally take a title as parameter for the generated link.

You can create a link to the resource itself (or another resource), by providing it as the first parameter.

link(%context, 'title')

The %context here is a FhirPath variable that refers to the current resource.

A canonical

You can create a link to a resource by it's canonical. The current scope will be used to provide the full context.

link(meta.profile, 'title')

A Reference type

You can create a link to a reference by adding the reference (complex value) as first parameter:

from Observation select link(performer)
from Observation select link(performer, 'title')


We currently don’t have an FQL link provider for anything else than to Simplifier itself. Links cannot yet point to your guide pages themselves. So this won’t work for downloaded guides: all links will still point to Simplifier. We are working on a feature called DocBridges, that will allow you to create links to other targets like the pages within your guide.