FQL is a query language that allows you to retrieve, filter and project data from any data source containing FHIR Resources. It brings the power of three existing languages together: SQL, JSON and FhirPath. It allows you to create tables and is useful for gaining insight and perform quality control.
What is FQL?
FQL Query resources
FQL Playground
Try Firely Query Language in our playground by using this scope as data source.
- FQL Documentation
FQL Language
Syntax specification
To learn more about FQL syntax choose this menu item.
YamlGen Generate resources
YamlGen Playground
Try YamlGen in our playground by using this scope as data source.
YamlGen Language
YamlGen Syntax specification
To learn more about YamlGen syntax choose this.
FHIRPath Inspect resource
FHIRPath Playground
Try out the FHIRPath playground and navigate inside this resource.
FHIRPath Documentation
FHIRPath Documentation
Find out what FHIRPath is or learn how to write FHIRPath scripts.
Project FHIR API
The project FHIR API endpoint is not yet available for DSTU2 FHIR version.
Simplifier FHIR API
The global FHIR API endpoint is not yet available for DSTU2 FHIR version.
v3 Code System RoleClass
Codes for the Role class hierarchy. The values in this hierarchy, represent a Role which is an association or relationship between two entities - the entity that plays the role and the entity that scopes the role. Roles names are derived from the name of the playing entity in that role. The role hierarchy stems from three core concepts, or abstract domains: RoleClassOntological is an abstract domain that collects roles in which the playing entity is defined or specified by the scoping entity. RoleClassPartitive collects roles in which the playing entity is in some sense a "part" of the scoping entity. RoleClassAssociative collects all of the remaining forms of association between the playing entity and the scoping entity. This set of roles is further partitioned between: RoleClassPassive which are roles in which the playing entity is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping entity. The playing entity is passive in these roles in that the role exists without an agreement from the playing entity. RoleClassMutualRelationship which are relationships based on mutual behavior of the two entities. The basis of these relationship may be formal agreements or they may bede facto behavior. Thus, this sub-domain is further divided into: RoleClassRelationshipFormal in which the relationship is formally defined, frequently by a contract or agreement. Personal relationship which inks two people in a personal relationship. The hierarchy discussed above is represented In the current vocabulary tables as a set of abstract domains, with the exception of the "Personal relationship" which is a leaf concept. OpenIssue: Description copied from Concept Domain of same name. Must be verified.
- type ValueSet
- status Active
This resource matches a canonical claim from this project.
Claim: http://hl7.org/fhir/
Canonical claims are used to verify ownership of your canonical URLs.