FQL is a query language that allows you to retrieve, filter and project data from any data source containing FHIR Resources. It brings the power of three existing languages together: SQL, JSON and FhirPath. It allows you to create tables and is useful for gaining insight and perform quality control.
<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <status value="final" /> <category> <coding> <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category" /> <code value="vital-signs" /> <display value="Vital Signs" /> </coding> </category> <code> <coding> <system value="http://loinc.org" /> <code value="35094-2" /> <display value="Blood Pressure" /> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient/F7C24984F6C040809B9D01EC52F83BE7" /> </subject> <issued value="2024-07-24T10:00:00Z" /> <device> <type value="Device" /> <identifier> <system value="http://fhir.synapxe.sg/NamingSystem/device-guid" /> <value value="67890" /> </identifier> </device> <component> <code> <coding> <system value="http://loinc.org" /> <code value="8480-6" /> <display value="Systolic Blood Pressure" /> </coding> </code> <valueQuantity> <value value="250" /> <unit value="mmHg" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> <code value="mmHg" /> </valueQuantity> </component> <component> <code> <coding> <system value="http://loinc.org" /> <code value="8462-4" /> <display value="Diastolic Blood Pressure" /> </coding> </code> <valueQuantity> <value value="50" /> <unit value="mmHg" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> <code value="mmHg" /> </valueQuantity> </component> </Observation>