
Das ValueSet enthält für Masern spezifischen Impfstoffe. Alle referenzierten Konzepte stammen aus SNOMED-CT.


ValueSet 'VaccineMSVD'

StatusActive (since 2023-12-11)

Das ValueSet VaccineMSVD enthält die Codes der Masern-Impfstoffe als SNOMED-Code.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT

    CodeDisplay900000000000003001 (en-US)
    871766009monovalenter Masern-Impfstoff (Ma)Vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus antigen (medicinal product)
    836382004Masern-TotimpfstoffVaccine product containing Measles morbillivirus antigen (medicinal product)
    1252703004MM: Masern-Kombinationsimpfstoff mit MumpsVaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus (medicinal product)
    2241000221103Masern, Mumps, Röteln- Lebendvirusimpfstoff (Priorix,M-M-RVAXPRO)Vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens (medicinal product)
    2251000221101Masern- Mumps-Röteln- Varizellen Lebendvirusimpfstoff (Priorix-Tetra, ProQuad)Vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus and Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigens (medicinal product)
    74964007-andere/sonstige-Other (qualifier value)
  • The following codes from system: v3.NullFlavor

    ASKUasked but unknown
    NASKnot asked