

ValueSet 'AnswerSetMajorSiteMYTD'

StatusActive (since 2023-12-11)

Das ValueSet AnswerSetMajorSiteMYTD enthält die Codes der Antwortmöglichkeiten für das hauptsächlich betroffene Organ bei Tuberkulose.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT

    CodeDisplay900000000000003001 (en-US)
    154283005Lunge (Lungenparenchym,Tracheobronchialbaum, Kehlkopf)Pulmonary tuberculosis (disorder)
    186182003PleuraTuberculosis of pleura (disorder)
    78436002Lymphknoten, intrathorakalTuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder)
    82495004Lymphknoten, extrathorakalTuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes (disorder)
    35984006WirbelsäuleTuberculosis of vertebral column (disorder)
    17653001sonstige Knochen und GelenkeTuberculosis of bones and/or joints (disorder)
    90302003HirnhautTuberculosis of cerebral meninges (disorder)
    10706006sonstiges ZNSTuberculosis of central nervous system (disorder)
    4445009UrogenitaltraktTuberculosis of genitourinary system (disorder)
    186225008Peritoneum, VerdauungstraktTuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands (disorder)
    182159002Disseminierte TuberkuloseDisseminated tuberculosis (disorder)
    74964007-andere/sonstige-Other (qualifier value)
  • The following codes from system: v3.NullFlavor

    ASKUasked but unknown
    NASKnot asked