Please note:
  • This Implementation Guide is currently under development.
  • There could be disruption as the content is modified and update updated regularly, e.g. with links not working.
  • Please contact the core project team if you need any assistance.

Notts Care Record Implementation Guide 0.1.0 (Currently in development)

How to Read This Guide

This Guide is divided into several pages which are listed at the top of each page in the menu bar.

  • Home: This Page
  • Guidance:
    • Project Overview: Overview of the Notts Care Record and Ecosystem Platform Project
    • System Architecture: Overview of the Organisations and Software Systems that will provide data for the Notts Care Record and how each Organisation will access the NCR Portal
    • Data Feed Types: Details what data each provider will make available in Phase 1 of the Notts Care Record Project. This section also details the expected mechanism for populating the FHIR Store, and the FHIR Profile which will be used for each data type
    • Conformance: Definitions of the conformance rules within the guide
    • Building Blocks: Guidance on the key building blocks that are used within he guide
    • Guidance on the importance of the FHIR, and the different models providers can adopt
  • Requirements: Summary of the key features of the Notts Care Record, including ongoing discovery work regarding future phases and functionality
  • Profiles and Extensions: Details of all the Profiles and Extensions that will be used by the Notts Care record
  • Terminology: List of key codings/valuesets
  • Examples: List of Example Resources
  • Test Patients List of Test Patients to be used in sandpit environment

Project Description and Scope

This Implementation Guide aims to provide Data Providers and Consumers with guidance when joining the Notts Care Record.

This specification is intended to be used alongside the published FHIR® specifications: