
This code system defines the following codes:

EOLEnd of LifeCoded data from an EPaCCS, only the latest values for any specific concept (e.g. preferred place of death) will be shared as a FHIR Observation
FrailtyFrailtyGPRCC creates a register of patients who are considered at increased risk due to frailty concerns. This risk is calculated using multiple metrics (e.g. number of recent falls, ability to feed/dress/bathe, etc), each of these metrics will be shared as a FHIR Observation.
DiabetesDiabetesGPRCC creates a register of patients who are considered at increased risk due to diabetes. This risk is calculated using multiple metrics (e.g. BMI, HbA1c Level, etc), each of these metrics will be shared as a FHIR Observation.
Care PlanCare Coordinator Case NoteText / Notes recorded in eHealthscope by Care Coordinators as part of a Care Plan. Each note will be shared as a FHIR Observation.
ConditionConditionMajor diagnoses, as determined by GPRCC. Each Diagnosis will be shared as a FHIR Condition.
Care GapCare Opportunity / GapsDetails of key gaps / opportunities regarding and individuals care, calculated using complex rules regarding the omission/combination of other events (e.g. Diabetic, but not had an eye test in last 12 months). Each Opportunity / Gaps will be shared as a FHIR Task.
ServiceServiceDetails of any services that the Patient is in receipt of, and which ICS organisation provides/commissioned that Service - for example a patient who is part of a diabetes service provider by a community health team. Each Service will be shared as an FHIR EpisodeOfCare.
PatientPatientGPRCC copy of the FHIR Patient.