
FHIR Profile

The Notts Care Record will use the InterweaveObservation Resource Profile as published in the Interweave Implementation Guide

Note: The Interweave Observation resource profile link is not working - see CareConnect-Observation-1 which it is based on

NottsCR Observation Category

The FHIR Observation resource is very flexible, and can be used to support multiple use cases within the Notts Care Record, including:

  • End of Life Preferences/EPaCCS Information
  • Frailty Risk
  • Care Co-ordinator Case Notes

The nature of each of these data types will be different, please see the sections below for the relevant guidance.

In order to support the retrieval, grouping and reporting of data within the Notts Care Record, a CodeSystem has been created to represent the different categories/use cases.

This code system defines the following codes:

end-of-lifeEnd of Life
case-noteCase Note

Note: Obervation.category has a cardinality of "0../*", so can support multiple categorisations

End Of Life (EoL)

In Phase 1, the Notts Care Record End of Life requirements will mirror the types of information currently available in the eHealthscope register:

End of Life (GPRCC)

The Notts Care Record will use the FHIR Observation Resource Type to share EoL information for a specific patient, the key elements will be

FHIR Element GPRCC Notes
Observation.tag system=
code=EOL FHIREventID + FHIReAttribute Used to update or delete a specific record in the future
Observation.status Fixed value = final
Observation.category[0] Fixed value = social-history All Observations MUST have a category from the required binding
Observation.category[1] Fixed value = end-of-life Will be used to distinguish observations that relate to EoL from all other categories, e.g. Frailty, Care Co-ordinator Case Notes, Legal Status, etc)
Observation.code system =
code = FHIReAttribute
display = FHIReAttributeFriendlyName
Used to identify the specific type of observation that the value relates to. This equates to the columns in the table above, e.g. 'Resuscitation status', 'Preferred place of Death', etc.
Observation.valueCodeableConcept system = CodeSystem
code = Code
display = Description
The actual value / recorded finding, e.g. "Home" for an observation which relates to 'Preferred place of Death' (i.e. Observation.code)
Observation.effectiveDateTime EventDate in GPRCC When the information was recorded or asserted as being true
Observation.subject "Patient/" + PatientID Local GPRCC id for the Patient which the observation is for


Click here to see an example of an End of Life Observation for a Patient's Preferred Place of Death


The Phase 1 NCR Requirements are to mirror the types of information currently available in the eHealthscope frailty register:


FHIR Element GPRCC Notes
Observation.tag system=
code=Frailty FHIREventID + FHIReAttribute Used to update or delete a specific record in the future
Observation.status Fixed value = final
Observation.category[0] Fixed value = social-history All Observations MUST have a category from the required binding
Observation.category[1] Fixed value = frailty Will be used to distinguish observations that relate to Frailty from all other categories, e.g. EoL, Care Co-ordinator Case Notes, Legal Status, etc)
Observation.code system =
code = FHIReAttribute
display = FHIReAttributeFriendlyName
Used to identify the specific type of observation that the value relates to. This equates to the columns in the table above, e.g. 'Ability to Drink', 'Ability to Eat', etc.
Observation.valueCodeableConcept system = CodeSystem
code = Code
display = Description
The actual value / recorded finding, e.g. "Able to use toilet" for an observation which relates to 'Toilet use' (i.e. Observation.code)
Observation.effectiveDateTime EventDate in GPRCC When the information was recorded or asserted as being true
Observation.subject "Patient/" + PatientID Local GPRCC id for the Patient which the observation is for

Click here to see an example of a Frailty Observation for a Patient's Ability to use the Toilet

Care Co-ordinator Case Notes

The Phase 1 NCR Requirements are to mirror the case notes currently viewable in eHealthscope:


FHIR Element GPRCC Notes
Observation.tag system=
code=Care Plan FHIREventID Used to update or delete a specific record in the future
Observation.status Fixed value = final
Observation.category[0] Fixed value = social-history All Observations MUST have a category from the required binding
Observation.category[1] Fixed value = case-note Will be used to distinguish observations that relate to Care Co-ordinator Case Notes from all other categories, e.g. Frailty, End of Life, Legal Status, etc)
Observation.code Fixed value =|37331000000100 - Comment note (record artifact).
Observation.comment String with the care plan case note as recorded in eHealthscope (i.e. Description)
Observation.effectiveDateTime EventDate in GPRCC When the information was recorded or asserted as being true
Observation.subject "Patient/" + PatientID Local GPRCC id for the Patient which the observation is for

Note - unlike the poposed view in the MIG, the initials of the HCP (Health Care Practitioner), will not be shown in the Notts Care Record


Click here to see an example of a Case Note Observation for a Patient


The Phase 1 NCR Requirements are to mirror the types of information currently available in the eHealthscope diabetes register:


FHIR Element GPRCC Notes
Observation.tag system=
code=Diabetes FHIREventID + FHIReAttribute Used to update or delete a specific record in the future
Observation.status Fixed value = final
Observation.category[0] Fixed value = social-history All Observations MUST have a category from the required binding
Observation.category[1] Fixed value = diabetes Will be used to distinguish observations that relate to Diabetes from all other categories, e.g. EoL, Care Co-ordinator Case Notes, etc)
Observation.comment FHIReAttributeFriendlyName Text denoting the Event Concept in GPRCC, e.g. Latest HbA1c
Observation.code system = CodeSystem
code = Code
display = Description
Used to identify the specific coding of what was measured (SNOMED or READ code).
Observation.valueQuantity value = NumericValue
unit = Units
Where the observation has a numeric value the quantity and units will also be available.
Note some diabetes observations will not have a value, for these the code will provide all the details of the observation, such as the specific diagnosis for the individual, e.g. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder). Where there is no NumbericValue/Units, the cardinality of the valueQuantity element will be zero
Observation.effectiveDateTime EventDate in GPRCC When the information was recorded or asserted as being true
Observation.subject "Patient/" + PatientID Local GPRCC id for the Patient which the observation is for

Click here to see an example of a Diabetes Observation for a Patient's Haemoglobin A1c level