
FHIR Profile

The Notts Care Record will use the following Interweave Profiles:

Notts Guidance

The FHIR Task resouces is very generic, and fits multiple use cases, for example it is also the base for the InterweaveSocialCareAssessment Profle

GPRCC Care Gaps / Opportunities

Care gaps / opportunities regarding an individuals care are calculated by GPRCC using complex rules regarding the omission/combination of other events (e.g. Diabetic, but not had an eye test in last 12 months)

FHIR Attribute Fixed SP Column
Task.meta.tag "tag": [
          "system": "",
                    "code": "Care Gap"
] [FHIREventID]
Task.status ready
Task.intent proposal
Task.priority routine
Task.code.text [Description]
Task.description [FHIReAttributeFriendlyName]
Task.for Patient/[PatientID]
Task.executionPeriod.start [EventDate]
Task.authoredOn [LastModifiedDate]
Task.reason.text [FHIReAttributeFriendlyName]
Task.owner.display eHealthScope

Click here to see an example of a Care Opportunity Task to Consider referring patient to community COPD nurse (as the patient has COPD with MRC 5, and they not currently under COPD care team)