Status: DRAFT

  • These requirements are a work in progress and have not been agreed, as such no development activity should be undertaken until they have been finalised
  • There could be disruption as the content is modified and update updated regularly, e.g. with links not working..
  • Please contact the core project team if you need any assistance.

End of Life (EoL)

In Phase 1, the Notts Care Record End of Life requirements will mirror the types of information currently available in the eHealthscope register:

End of Life (GPRCC)

The Notts Care Record will use the FHIR Observation Resource Type to share EoL information for a specifc patient, the key elements will be

FHIR Element GPRCC Notes
Observation.category Fixed value = EoL Will be used to distinguish observations that relate to EoL from all other categories, e.g. Frailty, Care Co-ordinator Case Notes, Legal Status, etc)
Observation.code EventConceptGroup Used to identify the specific type of observation that the value relates to. This equtes to the columns in the table above, e.g. 'Resuscitation status', 'Preferred place of Death', etc.
Observation.value EventConcept The actual value / recorded finding, e.g. "Home" for an observation which relates to (i.e. Observation.code) 'Preferred place of Death'
Observation.effectiveDateTime when the information was recorded or asserted as being true
Observation.subject Patient ID Local GPRCC id for the Patient which the observation is for

User Interface

Any user interface (e.g. the Notts Care Record Portal) will need to query all these concepts and display the information to the user in a format that helps them make an informed decision. The Resource.meta.lastUpdated will be used to identify the order of changes, regardless of whether it is a QuestionnaireResponse, DocumentReference, or an Observation.