
FHIR Profile

The Notts Care Record will use the following Interweave Profiles, as published in the Interweave Implementation Guide:

Notts Guidance

Definition: A collection of activities which deliver support to a person funded by a Local Authority.

This profile sets minimum expectations for the Social Care Service resource which is modelled using the FHIR Episode of Care resource. The FHIR Episode of Care resource was chosen to model a Service as it was the most akin in terms of logic and structure. Many of the irrelevant health fields have been stripped from this resource to create a clear and concise model for population. We will simply refer to this resource as a Service throughout the remainder of the notes section.

Coverage and references

Local Authorities will need to determine which services to expose to the Shared Care Record - many service elements may be for accounting / technical purposes, and have little or no value to clinical users.

Mandatory fields

The following fields are mandatory:

  • status It is envisaged that only the following values will be used to describe the status of a Social Care service and therefore we restrict the valueset to these values: active; planned; onhold; finished; entered-in-error

  • type is used to house the 'type' of service. This should always be known, and vital for meaningful display purposes. We have defined a list of codes derived from the Service Component field of the Social Care Client Level Data V5 Specification. This list has been made extensible as it is foreseen that the list will grow. In addition to providing the 'display' field, the type.text must also be populated with the local description of the type of service being provided.

  • category An extension has been created which allows for a high-level grouping of service types. This should always be known, and vital for meaningful display purposes. We have defined a list of codes derived from the Service Type field of the Social Care Client Level Data V5 Specification. This list has been made extensible as it is foreseen that this list will grow.

  • patient The person who is in receipt of the service. NB: The term Patient and Person can be used interchangeably throughout the FHIR specification.

  • managingOrganization The organisation which is providing the service. This can be a reference to either and external provider or an organisational team.
    A key use case for sharing social care services is so that health staff can contact the providers (e.g. to alert them that the individual has been admitted to hospital, or as for information of the individual’s baseline abilities) - as such where possibe the contct details for the owner should also included.

Must Support fields

In addition, the following fields are "Must Support" - i.e. they must be populated if relevant and known:

  • statusHistory When the service has been through several status changes, it is important to populate this field to share this information.

  • period The duration of the service as a whole, including the time when the service may have been in the planning and onhold statuses. Status history can be used to determine the amount of time that the service was in a particular status.