Terminology > Terminology
This section lists the coded value sets that are referenced by the FHIR profiles in this implementation guide. These coded values are used to describe and standardize clinical concepts and other data content within health records.Usage Guidance
Several ValueSets are not available at their canonical URL or on the terminology servers used in implementation guide publication (i.e., tx.fhir.org). Primarily, this impacts validation against Canada Health Infoway-hosted ValueSets during the development of derived Implementation Guides. This does not affect deployed systems as these instances will be validated against loaded terminology. For several of these ValueSets, "stub" resources have been created to stand-in for the unresolvable ValueSets. These stub ValueSets include pointers to the locations where the full value sets can be downloaded. Current guidance is to manually download the value sets from the Terminology Gateway. When terminology is not readily available as FHIR® Release 4 ValueSets or CodeSystems, implementers should work with terminology producers to identify options.
*Please note that these are Code Systems and/or Value sets created by Ontario Health
**Use of terminology subsets hosted on Canada Health Infoway Terminology Gateway is required in order to comply with this interoperability specification.
Value Sets defined by this implementation guide:
Value Set | Description | Profile | Binding Strength |
ActEncounterCode | Concepts representing classification of patient encounter such as ambulatory (outpatient), inpatient, emergency, home health or others due to local variations. | Encounter:Encounter.Class.code | Extensible |
Addiction-SubstanceUse* | A set of values that indicates the behavioural addictions and/or problematic substance use. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
AlcoholAnti-CravingMedication* | The value set identifies the alcohol anti-craving medication. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
AlcoholAnti-CravingMedicationEnrollment* | The value set identifies if client is enrolled in a alcohol anti-craving medication program. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
AppointmentStatus* | The overall status of the Appointment. Each of the participants has their own participation status which indicates their involvement in the process, however this status indicates the shared status. | Appointment:Appointment.Status | Required |
BornInCanadaResponse* | A set of response options representing if a client was born in Canada. | Observation:extension.bornInCanada.valueCode | Required |
CanadianJurisdiction** | Codes to identify the provinces and territories of Canada | Patient: Patient.address.state | Required |
ClientIdentifierTypeCode* | A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | Patient:Patient.identifier.JHN.type.coding.code | Required |
ConfirmedDiagnosis* | The value set identifies the confirmed diagnosis. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
DisabilityStatus* | A code that represents the type of clients disability | Patient : Patient.extension(Disability) | Required |
DisabilityType* | A code that represents the type of clients disability | Patient : Patient.extension(Disability) | Required |
DischargeReason* | The value set identifies the reason for discharge. | Encounter:Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition | Required |
EmploymentStatus* | The client's primary relation to the labour force. If the client has more than one source of employment, the employment status which client receives the highest income amount is to be considered the primary source. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |
EncounterTypeCode** | A description of the type of contact between the Provider and the Client for a registered Encounter or visit. | Encounter:Encounter.type | Extensible |
EncounterStatus | Current state of the encounter. | Encounter:Encounter.status | Required |
EpisodeOfCareStatus | The status of the episode of care. | EpisodeOfCare:EpisodeOfCare.Status | Required |
FunctionalCentreCode* | The functional center code associated with the program/services supports provided to the client. | HealthCareService:Extension.Value.Coding.Code | Required |
GambelingHelpSeekingReason* | The value set identifies the reason for the person seeking treatment from an agency. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingActivitiesInLastYear* | The value set identifies gambling activities in last 12 month. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingFormNon-ComlpetionReason* | A set of values that indicates the reason why the gambling data form was not completed for a client receiving treatment for problem gambling. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingFrequency* | The value set identifies the frequency of gambling activity or behavior. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingLocation* | The value set identifies locations where gambling activity occurs. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingProblemIdentified* | The value set identifies that the client has self-identified a problem with her/his gambling behavior . | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GamblingTreatmentPlanStatus* | The value set identifies the status for gambling treatment plan. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
GenderIdentity* | The socially prescribed roles, attributes and behaviors which best describe client's gender. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |
HelpSeekingReason* | The value set identifies the reason for the person seeking treatment from an agency. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | |
HighestLevelOfEducationAttained* | The highest level of education attained by the client. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |
HousingStatus* | The type of residential setting and arrangement where the client normally lives. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |
IncomeSupportingCode* | The value set indicates the income supporting code. | Observation: Observation-TotalHouseholdIncome | Required |
IndigenousIdentity* | A code that represents the indigenous identity of the person. | Patient:Patient. | Required |
Language* | Languages understood or supported by Ontario clients and organizations. | Patient:Patient.communication.language | Extensible |
LanguageUse* | The purpose of this language | Patient:Patient.communication.language | Required |
OpioidAgonistMedication* | This value set indicates the name of the opioid agonist therapy and/or anti-craving medication prescribed. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
OpioidAgonistMedicationEnrollment* | A code that represents the indigenous identity of the person. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
OrganizationReferralSource* | The type of agency, organization or individual that referred the client for treatment to the agency providing the services. | ServiceRequest:ServiceRequest.Extension:referralSourceType.value | Required |
OriginalAppointmentRescheduleReason* | Codes representing the reason for reschedule of the client's first scheduled appointment. | Appointment:Appointment.cancelationReason | Extensible |
OutboundReferralSource* | The type of agency, organization or individual that referred the client for treatment to the agency providing the services. | ServiceRequest:ServiceRequest.Extension:referralSourceType.value | Required |
PreferredOfficialLanguage* | Official languages of Canada. | Patient:Patient.communication.language | |
Race* | A code that represents the race of the person. | Patient:Patient.ExtensionRaceGroup | Required |
ReferralType* | Indicates the type of referral (e.g., initial (external) or internal). | ServiceRequest:ServiceRequest.Extension:ReferralType | Required |
RequestStatus | Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of a request. | ServiceRequest:ServiceRequest.status | Required |
RequestIntent | Codes indicating the degree of authority/intentionality associated with a request. | ServiceRequest:ServiceRequest.intent | Required |
ServiceTerminationContinuity* | The value set identifies that termination could occur at different stages of service provision. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
SexualOrientation* | The sexual orientation that best represents the client. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |
SDOHObservationCode* | Codes representing the Social Determinant of Health being observed. | Observation-CitizenshipStatus:Code Observation-EmploymentStatus:Code Observation-LevelOfEducation:Code Observation-HousingStatus:Code Observation-SexualOrientation:Code Observation-TotalHouseholdIncome:Code | Required |
SequenceOfGamblingProblem* | The value set identifies the basic indication of when the client's gambling problem was identified, in relation to the initiation of treatment by the agency. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
ServiceModalityClass* | The value set identifies whether the health service encounter is delivered individually or in a group setting. | Encounter:Encounter.class | Required |
ServiceModalityType* | The value set identifies the method by which the health service encounter is delivered. | Encounter:Encounter.type | Required |
SymptomsOfClinicalConcern* | A set of values that indicate the primary mental health condition(s) and/or substance(s) that led the client to seek treatment from the agency. | QuestionnaireResponse:QuestionnaireResponse. | Required |
TransgenderIdentity* | The value set identifies whether the client self identifies as transgender. | Observation:Observation-TransgenderIdentity | Required |
ServiceTerminationReason* | The reason the client is terminated from the service. The termination could occur at different stages of service provision (first contact, intake, screening and waitlist, service delivery or service completion). | EpisodeOfCare:EpisodeOfCare.extension:ServiceTerminationReason.value.coding.code | Required |
TotalHouseholdIncome* | The combined annual income (before tax) of client's household from all sources, including wages, commissions, bonuses, social assistance and retirement income. | Observation:Observation.value.coding.code | Required |