Table of Contents > Downloads
This implementation guide (IG) is web-based and is intended to be browsed online. However, for the convenience of implementers, both this IG and its resource definitions are available to download for local use.
- This full IG as a local static website (Under development)
- The resource package only (JSON format) NOTE: this is a preview version of MHA 2.0.0 package. Please do not use for production.
FHIR Resource Validation
The FHIR Validator is a powerful tool available to you for validating FHIR Resource instances generated by your application, example instances created for testing, etc.This page provides instructions to download and use the FHIR validator. Below is an example of use of the FHIR validator with this IG (note the -ig parameter value):
java -jar validator_cli.jar my-resource.json -version 4.01 -ig$download -html-output qa.html