Business Context > Business Data

Business Data

The following table contains a subset of the PDS 2.0 data dictionary. For the full data dictionary, please refer to the link below.

Client Level

Data Element Description FHIR Resource
First Name The legal first or given name of the client
Date of Birth The date (day, month, year) the client was born.
Health Card Number Other client identifiers, including the client's unique health card identification number as assigned to the client by the provincial/territorial, federal government
No Health Card Reason If there is no health card number indicate whether the client does not have an HCN, did not want to provide or was not asked
Postal Code The postal code associated with client's address where the client resides (with or without a permanent residence
Racialized Group The racialized group(s) that best describes the client, as reported by the client. Race is a social construct used to categorize people based on physical traits, such as skin colour, hair texture, and facial features. Racial categories are not based on science or biology but on differences that society has created with significant consequences for people’s lives.
Disability Status Identifies whether the client self identifies as a person with a disability. Disability refers to the functional limitations an individual experiences and the barriers they encounter in their environment, including social and physical obstacles that make daily functioning more challenging.
Disability Type Refers to the categorization of the specific type or nature of a person's disability.
Language of Comfort Identifies the primary or preferred language spoken or used by the client at the time of data collection

Organization Level

Data Element Description FHIR Resource
MOH Organization ID The Ministry of Health Facility Number used for Ontario Heathcare Financial and Statistical System submissions. Children and youth organizations funded by the Ministry of Health are required to register their organization using their Integrated Financial Information System (IFIS) number, prefixed by IFIS. If an organization provides services to both adults and children and youth, the Ministry of Health Facility Number should be used.

CYMH organizations funded by MOH will have an MOH Organization ID (integrated financial information system - IFIS number) assigned to them by the MOH. The organization should submit the IFIS number prefixed by 'IFIS’. If the organization has both adult and child and youth programs, they should use their OHFS Facility Number.
Connex HSP Organization Number The unique number assigned by ConnexOntario that identifies the legal entity providing the adult or child and youth mental health, substance use or problem gambling service.
HSP Organization Name The name of the HSP organization providing the adult or child and youth mental health, substance use or problem gambling services.
Organization Referral ID Each client referral to the HSP should be assigned a unique Referral ID within the CMS. This Referral ID serves as a distinct identifier at the organization level. Under a single organization referral ID, multiple programs or services may be associated. All programs or services linked under the same organization referral ID contribute to a comprehensive service plan for the client distinguished by its own identifier within the HSP.
Organization Referral Received Date The date when the referral was received by organization, the referral can be for a specific program/service, multiple programs/services or just a general referral to the organization with no particular service/program indicated
Organization Referral Source The type of organization that referred the client for treatment to the HSP providing the services.

Health Service (Formerly known as Episode of Care)

Data Element Description FHIR Resource
Health Program Name Designated title assigned to a specific health program, providing a concise means of recognition and communication about the services being delivered.
HSP Health Program ID The unique program number/ ID created by HSP to identify the program within the organization
Functional Centre Code The cost center identifier linked to client program/service support, Functional Centres are maintained by Ministry of Health Ontario Healthcare Reporting Standards (OHRS) to record financial information for healthcare organizations, including revenues, expenses, and statistics related to specific functions. This field also captures Children and Youth Mental Health 'A codes' for core services and key processes.
Health Service Identifier Uniquely groups a client’s program/service- level interactions within an HSP/Agency at which time encounters may occur. A unique identifier associated with the specific program/service begins at the point of service referral. A distinct identifier utilized within the HSP.
Health Program Name Designated title assigned to a specific health program, providing a concise means of recognition and communication about the services being delivered.
HSP Health Program ID The unique program number/ ID created by HSP to identify the program within the organization
Functional Centre Code The cost center identifier linked to client program/service support, Functional Centres are maintained by Ministry of Health Ontario Healthcare Reporting Standards (OHRS) to record financial information for healthcare organizations, including revenues, expenses, and statistics related to specific functions. This field also captures Children and Youth Mental Health 'A codes' for core services and key processes.
Primary Presenting Concern A set of values that indicate the primary mental health condition(s) and/or substance(s) that led the client to seek treatment from the agency providing either mental health services or substance use, or both.

Health Service Encounter

Data Element Description FHIR Resource
Health Service Event ID A unique identifier assigned to each encounter a client has with a service provider during the provision of care.
Encounter Status Present stage or status of a health service encounter, indicating its progress within the continuum of care.
Service Modality Indicates whether the health service encounter is delivered individually or in a group setting.
Encounter Date The date that the health service event occurred.