Implementation Guidance > Version Differences

Version Differences

Differences between v1.0.0 and v2.0.0

Menu Title Page Name Summary of Change
Home Introduction - Overview section updated
Scope - In-scope and Out of scope content updated to reflect v2.0.0 changes
Business Context ALL - All pages are updated with 2.0 contents
Implementation Guidance Version Differences - Added summary of changes to the current version of IG
Profiles & Interactions Updates Profiles
Interaction: Submit Client Data
Profile: Bundle - updated meta.profile expectation
- Added new resource profiles (QuestionnaireResponse, Observation-TransgenderIdentity
Profile: Patient -updated meta.profile expectation
- -Patient.identifier (JHN): Added extension for "Data Absent Reason"
-Patient.address.postalCode: Added extension for "Data Absent Reason"
-Patient.language: Removed "MotherTongue", Renamed "PreferredOfficialLanguage" to "OfficialLanguage", Renamed "serviceLanguage" to "languageOfComfort"
Profile: Organization No change
Profile: Location -updated meta.profile expectation
- Added Location.address
Profile: ServiceRequest - Updated meta.profile expectation
- "ReferralSourceType" extension moved from ServiceRequest to ServiceRequest.requester
- Added extension for "referralReceivedDate" and "referralOrganizationReceivedDate"
Profile: EpisodeOfCare - Updated meta.profile expectation
"ServiceTerminationReason" extension moved from EpisodeOfCare to EpisodeOfCare.status and it is updated to complex extension to support additional data elements.
- EpisodeofCare.identifer: Cardinality changed from 1..1 to 1..*
Profile: HealthCareService - Updated usage notes for the element Health Program Name and definition for Connex Health Program Number
Profile: Appointment - Updated usage notes for First original appointment date and definition for Appointment Rescheduled Reason
Profile: Encounter - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Encounter.identifier: Updated conformance notes to support program level admission
-Encounter.period: added "end" element to support discharge date for program level admission
-Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition: added to support discharge reason
Profile: Condition - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Condition.code: value set updated to "ConfirmedDiagnosis"
Profile: QuestionnaireResponse - NEW profile for supporting gambling data form and clinical summary forms provided in the page
Profile: Observation-SexualOrientation - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added valueCodeableConcept.text to support values outside of the value set
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile: Observation-EmploymentStatus - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added valueCodeableConcept.text to support values outside of the value set
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile: Observation-Race - NEW profile for new SDOH data element in PDS 2.0
Profile: Observation-IndigenousIdentity - NEW profile for new SDOH data elment in PDS 2.0
Profile: Observation-DisabilityStatusType - NEW profile for new SDOH data element in PDS 2.0
Profile:Observation-BornInCanada - Remodelled 1.0 data element to SDOH Observation profile
Profile:Observation-LevelOfEducation - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added valueCodeableConcept.text to support values outside of the value set
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile:Observation-NumberOfPeopleIncomeSupports - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Updated value[x] to "valueInteger"
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile:Observation-HousingStatus - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added valueCodeableConcept.text to support values outside of the value set
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile:Observation-TotalHouseholdIncome - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile:Observation-GenderIdentity - Updated meta.profile expectation
- Changed "effectivedateTime" to mandatory
- Added valueCodeableConcept.text to support values outside of the value set
- Added "dataAbsentReason" to support unknown values
Profile: Observation-TransgenderIdentity - NEW profile for new SDOH data element in PDS 2.0
Capability Statement Capability Statement Updated
Response Handling No Changes
Terminology Terminology - Updated to reflect PDS 2.0 terminology requirements