Table of Contents > Profiles & Interactions
Profiles & Interactions
This section provides information about the FHIR Profiles and Operations specified within this implementation guide.
Section Contents
- Bundle
- Patient
- Organization
- Location
- ServiceRequest
- EpisodeOfCare
- HealthCareService
- Appointment
- Encounter
- Condition
- QuestionnaireResponse
- Observation-SexualOrientation
- Observation-EmploymentStatus
- Observation-Race
- Observation-IndigenousIdentity
- Observation-DisabilityStatusType
- Observation-BornInCanada
- Observation-LevelofEducation
- Observation-NumberOfPeopleIncomeSupports
- Observation-HousingStatus
- Observation-TotalHouseholdIncome
- Observation-GenderIdentity
- Observation-TransgenderIdentity
Interaction: Submit Client Data
Summary of Interactions
Interaction | Resource | HTTP Verb |
Interaction: Submit Client Data | Bundle | POST |