Practitioner Update

Practitioner update API definition

In order to update a Practitioner it is required to send a Practitioner Resource.

Method Endpoint URI Parameters Request Headers Request Body Response Body Security
PUT https://[host]/partners/fhir/stu3/api/[Resource]/[id] Resource: Practitioner

id: Practitioner ID

org_id : Organization OID

x-origin-request-id: Request unique id, generated by EMR middleware

client_id : Public identifier for organizations generated by Roche DC

client_secret : Client related secret known only to the EMR and Roche DC

Content-Type: Default value application/json
Practitioner Resource - Please check Request Definition Please check Response Definition Mutual TLS Authentication (mTLS)

Complete FHIR API Specification here

Request Definition

  • Please find Practitioner Resource Schema Overview here
  • Please find Sample Practitioner here
  • Please find Practitioner Example cURL Request here
  • Please find FHIR STU3 Schema here

Response Definition

Success response: On successful update of Practitioner through API will return HTTP 200 Status Code with empty body.

Error response: Please check error codes in validation section below.

Data Validation

Validation Error code
A required element is missing. required
A structural issue in the content such as wrong namespace, or unable to parse the content completely, or invalid json syntax structure
An internal timeout has occurred. timeout
An unexpected internal error has occurred. exception
Content invalid against the specification or a profile. invalid
Provided content is too long (typically, this is a denial of service protection type of error). too-long
The reference provided was not found. not-found

Please find Error handling details here

Response Time

The average and the worst case scenario response time for the practitioner update API are:

Response Time (ms)
Average 949.39
Worst case scenario 2550

Sample bundle

Scenario: The email of the practitioner with unique identifier 99999999A (which is already created in RDCP) is updated from "" to ""

Note : under telcom 'email' is mandatory and other values (phone, fax, pager, url, sms, other) are optional.

    "id": "abdca832-a616-454b-b5c7-f1ed1fb45d4e",
    "resourceType": "Practitioner",
    "meta": {
        "profile":  [
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.724.4.305",
            "value": "99999999A"
    "active": "true",
    "name":  [
            "family": "Pérez Fuster",
            "given":  [
    "telecom":  [
            "system": "email",
            "value": ""
            "system": "phone",
            "value": "555-12345"
    "gender": "male",
    "birthDate": "1975-06-16"

Example Request

Example cURL Request:

curl -L -X PUT '' -H 'client_id: {CLIENT_ID}' -H 'client_secret: {CLIENT_SECRET}' -H 'org_id: {ORG_ID}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --data-raw '{
    "id": "999999995A",
    "resourceType": "Practitioner",
    "meta": {
        "profile":  [
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.724.4.305",
            "value": "999999995A"
    "active": "true",
    "name":  [
            "family": "PĂ©rez Fuster",
            "given":  [
    "telecom":  [
            "system": "email",
            "value": ""
            "system": "phone",
            "value": "555-12345"
    "gender": "male",
    "birthDate": "1975-06-16"