This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.Technical Framework
Important: The content on these pages have not been approved or adopted by NHS England.
People, Process and Technology
This approach is aligned to UK Government Design Principles in particular.
- Technical Frameworks are based on existing common patterns in use in health and care (Design with data) which support clinical pathways and processes (Start with user needs) which spread over several care settings (Understand context)
- Existing services (Design with data) may indicate a mix of interoperability standards (solutions/frameworks may not be HL7 FHIR based)
- Care Coordination will take a pragmatic approach to the data model, this is likely to lead to a simple data model (Do less)
- We need to be open to health and care providers issues, and provide support, we should not be hiding our support (Do the hard work to make it simple and Make things open: it makes things better)
- This will not be delivered in one go and may take time (Iterate. Then iterate again)
- We aim to improve consistency, not standards Be consistent, not uniform
- Data is shared as default, data is not sent. This allows all people involved in a patients care to view records, sending is typically between one or two providers.
- Pragmatic. Frameworks will focus on practicality, it will not focus solely of data standards which have often been complex.
- Generic and Pathway focused. Frameworks will align to common requirements or issues on multiple pathways.
- Open and Collaborative.
- Start Small and Evolve.
IHE Technical Framework Map
- IT Infrastructure (ITI) Technical Framework Volume 1
- IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Volume 2
Selected ITI interactions:
IHE ITI Volume 1 Use Case |
IHE ITI Volume 2 Technical Framework |
NHS England Technical Framework |
Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS) |
Registry Stored Query [ITI-18] Retrieve Document Set [ITI-43] |
Shared Clinical Documents Get Document List |
Patient Administration Management (PAM) | Patient Identity Management [ITI-30] | HL7 v2 Events and Ad Hoc FHIR RESTful Events |
Patient Administration Management (PAM) | Patient Encounter Management [ITI-31] | HL7 v2 Events and Ad Hoc FHIR RESTful Events |
Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD) | Retrieve Form [ITI-34] | Structured Data Capture |
Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD) | Submit Form [ITI-35] | Structured Data Capture |
Cross-Community Access (XCA) | Cross Gateway Query [ITI-38] | Federated Document API |
Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS) |
Provide and Register Document Set-b [ITI-41] Simplified Publish [ITI-105] Provide Document Bundle [ITI-65] |
Shared Clinical Documents Put Document |
Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS) |
Register Document Set-b [ITI-42] | Shared Clinical Documents Register Document |
Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS) |
Retrieve Document Set [ITI-43] Retrieve Document [ITI-68] |
Shared Clinical Documents Get Document |
Patient Administration Management (PAM) | Patient Identity Feed HL7 V3 [ITI-44] Patient Identity Feed FHIR [ITI-104] |
Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found. |
Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) | Patient Demographics Query [ITI-21] Patient Demographics Query HL7 V3 [ITI-47] Mobile Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] |
Patient Demographic Queries |
Sharing of IPS (sIPS) | Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found. |
Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow Content Profile (XDW) | FHIR Workflow (note this is primarily resource focused) |