Query API

All the interactions in this section use FHIR RESTful API

Standards for Query API's are:

Application Query API


Federated Query API

The following diagram is a representation of the IHE and FHIR thoughts on the future of XCA Federated Document API. See https://confluence.hl7.org/display/GP/HL7+FHIR+Multi-domain+HIE+Architecture for more details.

To reduce uncessary lookups and solve scaling problems, an MPI is likely to be used to only call systems which are known to have patient records.




UK Core Profile UK Core Encounter

GET [base]/Encounter?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

Search Parameters Encounter

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
patient + date reference + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHALL



GET [base]/AllergyIntolerance?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core AllergyIntolerance

Search Parameters AllergyIntolerance

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
patient + date reference + date SHOULD
patient + clinical_status reference + token SHOULD
patient + last_date reference + date SHOULD
_id token SHOULD


GET [base]/Condition?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core Condition

Search Parameters Condition

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
patient + category reference + token SHOULD
patient + clinical-status reference + token SHOULD
patient + recorded-date reference + date SHOULD


GET [base]/Procedure?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core Procedure

Search Parameters Procedure

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
patient + date reference + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHALL



GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core DiagnosticReport

Search Parameters DiagnositcReport

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameter Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient + category reference + token SHALL
patient + category + code reference + token SHALL
patient + category + date reference + token + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHOULD
patient + category + code + date reference + token + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHOULD


GET [base]/Observation?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core Observation

Search Parameters Observation

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameter Type Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient + category reference + token SHALL
patient + category + code reference + token SHALL
patient + category + date reference + token + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHOULD
patient + category + code + date reference + token + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’ SHOULD
patient + date reference + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’
patient + code + date reference + token + date date modifiers ‘ge’,‘le’,’gt’,’lt’



GET [base]/Immunization?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core Immunization

Search Parameters Immunization

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type _include Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
_id token SHOULD
patient + date reference + date SHOULD
patient + status reference + token SHOULD


GET [base]/MedicationStatement?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core MedicationStatement

Search Parameters MedicationStatement

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type _include Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference MedicationStatement :medication SHALL ✓ (_include not supported)
_id token SHOULD
patient + effective reference + date SHOULD
patient + status reference + token SHOULD


GET [base]/MedicationRequest?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core MedicationRequest

Search Parameters MedicationRequest

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type _include Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference MedicationRequest
SHALL ✓ (_include not supported)
_id token SHOULD
patient + authoredon reference + date SHOULD
patient + status reference + token SHOULD


GET [base]/MedicationAdministration?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core MedicationAdministration

Search Parameters MedicationAdministration The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type _include Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
_id token SHOULD
patient + effective_time reference + date SHOULD
patient + status reference + token SHOULD


GET [base]/MedicationDispense?param1=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}

UK Core Profile UK Core MedicationDispense

Search Parameters MedicationDispense

The following search parameter combinations should be supported:

Parameters Type _include Modifiers Optionality IHE QEDm HL7 UK CORE ACCESS
patient reference SHALL
_id token SHOULD
patient + when-prepared reference + date SHOULD
patient + status reference + token SHOULD