Care Plan Management

See also a similar concept, they may be open for a discussion. (Germany)


Care Planning plans how care is implemented using a combination of clinical pathways and processes.


The following pages provide background information:

The following frameworks have been identified as supporting Care Plan Managment:

Care Team

  • IHE Dynamic Care Team Management (DCTM) The Dynamic Care Team Management (DCTM) Profile will provide a mechanism to facilitate system interactions to support care team membership such as:

    • Discovering Care Teams
    • Creating/updating Care Teams
    • Listing Care Teams

DCTM Profile provides the structures and transactions for care team management and sharing information about Care Teams that meet the needs of many, such as providers, patients and payers. Care Teams can be dynamically updated as the patient interacts with the healthcare system. A patient and providers may be associated with multiple types of care teams at any given time. This profile depicts how information about multiple care teams can be shared and used to coordinate care. The care team concepts described in this profile are patient centered with the overarching goal to support collaborative care. Care teams have many different meanings to many different people.

Care Plan

  • IHE Dynamic Care Planning (DCP) The Dynamic Care Planning (DCP) Profile provides the structures and transactions for care planning, creating, updating and sharing Care Plans that meet the needs of many, such as providers, patients and payers. Care Plans can be dynamically updated as the patient interacts with the healthcare system. FHIR® resources and transactions are used by this profile. This profile does not define, nor assume, a single Care Plan for a patient.