Other Frameworks or Patterns


  • US Physical Activity Implementation Guide Being physically active is one of the most important lifestyle behaviors people can engage in to maintain physical and mental health and well-being. Regular physical activity is both health-promoting and important for chronic and infectious disease treatment and prevention. It provides numerous benefits that contribute to a disability-free lifespan. Currently in the US, one in four adults are physically inactive, with increasing prevalence across some geographies and in certain races/ethnicities. (For more information and research citations highlighting the importance of physical activity and intervening to improve it, see the background page of this IG.)

  • Mental Health PACIO Cognitive Status Implementation Guide An individual’s cognitive status and mental functioning is crucial information to communicate for successful care coordination at transition of care and for on-going shared care. Care coordination – when a person transitions between healthcare settings, including ambulatory care, acute care, long-term post-acute care (LTPAC), and home- and community-based services (HCBS) – is often fragmented and can lead to poor health outcomes, increased burden, and increased costs. Interoperable health information exchange has the potential to improve patient and provider communications and supports access to longitudinal health information that enables improved efficiencies, improved quality of care, and improved health outcomes. Data should be usable across the continuum of care, and beyond the traditional healthcare system – into the community.


Guidance https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng5

See NHS England Medicines interoperability

To follow

Medication Reconciliation

To follow



Diagnostics and Imaging

Tests Requests

Pathology and Genomics

See NHS England Diagnostics Data Service


In progress appears to be building on IHE MHD

Research and Analytics

  • VULCAN Retrieval of Real World Data for Clinical Research In the context of clinical research, Real World Data (RWD) are data created in the “real world” of everyday experience, such as a routine patient visit to a healthcare provider, as opposed to data created under clearly defined protocols typical of controlled clinical trials. The primary purpose for such data, collected for a purpose other than use in a clinical trial, is in support of clinical care of patients and knowledge for their healthcare providers. However, large amounts of such information could potentially be used for the secondary purpose of supporting clinical research to analyze the data and generate supporting evidence for, as an example, a new indicated use for an already approved pharmaceutical drug or safety-related analyses. The identification of outcomes, safety signals, or other research/regulatory insights demonstrated with the use of RWD is commonly called Real World Evidence (RWE).

Devices and Wearables

  • HL7 FHIR Personal Health Device Implementation This Implementation Guide (IG) defines the use of FHIR resources to convey measurements and supporting data from communicating Personal Health Devices (PHDs) to receiving systems for electronic medical records, clinical decision support, and medical data archiving for aggregate quality measurement and research purposes. PHDs are typically consumer devices designed to be used by people without medical background. These devices are often used in the home and/or on the patient’s person and are a key element in any remote patient monitoring program. In most cases there is a Personal Health Gateway (PHG) that handles the PHD communications. The PHG translates the PHD data to the appropriate form and uploads it to the receiving systems. Uploads generated by Continua compliant PHGs shall use this implementation guide when transforming the PHD data to FHIR resources.