This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.Observation
Observation |
id : 318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0 |
meta |
versionId : 1 |
lastUpdated : 2023-05-26T05:04:54.677+00:00 |
identifier |
system : https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122 |
value : 318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0 |
status : final |
code |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 927981000000106 |
display : Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery) |
text : Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery) |
subject |
reference : Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e |
display : Mr William Smith |
effective : 2023-05-26T05:04:51.383Z |
issued : 2023-05-26T05:04:51.383+00:00 |
value |
value : 98 |
unit : percent |
system : http://unitsofmeasure.org |
code : % |
derivedFrom |
reference : QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685077491383-1-d7f7fb7523b64 |
{ "resourceType": "Observation", "id": "318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "05/26/2023 05:04:54" }, "identifier": [ { "system": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122", "value": "318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0" } ], "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "927981000000106", "display": "Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery)" } ], "text": "Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery)" }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e", "display": "Mr William Smith" }, "effectiveDateTime": "05/26/2023 05:04:51", "issued": "05/26/2023 05:04:51", "valueQuantity": { "value": 98, "unit": "percent", "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "code": "%" }, "derivedFrom": [ { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685077491383-1-d7f7fb7523b64" } ] }
<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0" /> <meta> <versionId value="1" /> <lastUpdated value="2023-05-26T05:04:54.677Z" /> </meta> <identifier> <system value="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122" /> <value value="318a8e56-5811-420e-8701-e0ac011d08f0" /> </identifier> <status value="final" /> <code> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="927981000000106" /> <display value="Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery)" /> </coding> <text value="Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery)" /> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e" /> <display value="Mr William Smith" /> </subject> <effectiveDateTime value="2023-05-26T05:04:51.383Z" /> <issued value="2023-05-26T05:04:51.383Z" /> <valueQuantity> <value value="98" /> <unit value="percent" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> <code value="%" /> </valueQuantity> <derivedFrom> <reference value="QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685077491383-1-d7f7fb7523b64" /> </derivedFrom> </Observation>
Family History of Diabetes
Observation |
id : 38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8 |
meta |
versionId : 1 |
lastUpdated : 2023-05-26T05:14:02.267+00:00 |
identifier |
system : https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122 |
value : 38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8 |
status : final |
code |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 160303001 |
display : Family history of diabetes mellitus |
text : Do you have a parent, brother, sister and/or own child with diabetes |
subject |
reference : Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e |
display : Mr William Smith |
effective : 2023-05-26T05:13:58.810Z |
issued : 2023-05-26T05:13:58.81+00:00 |
value |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 430679000 |
display : Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2 |
text : Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2 |
derivedFrom |
reference : QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685078038814-2-54cf930ef7ce9 |
{ "resourceType": "Observation", "id": "38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "05/26/2023 05:14:02" }, "identifier": [ { "system": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122", "value": "38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8" } ], "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "160303001", "display": "Family history of diabetes mellitus" } ], "text": "Do you have a parent, brother, sister and/or own child with diabetes" }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e", "display": "Mr William Smith" }, "effectiveDateTime": "05/26/2023 05:13:58", "issued": "05/26/2023 05:13:58", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "430679000", "display": "Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2" } ], "text": "Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2" }, "derivedFrom": [ { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685078038814-2-54cf930ef7ce9" } ] }
<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8" /> <meta> <versionId value="1" /> <lastUpdated value="2023-05-26T05:14:02.267Z" /> </meta> <identifier> <system value="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122" /> <value value="38ee22c4-004f-4561-a8b4-d7a01d8f4fa8" /> </identifier> <status value="final" /> <code> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="160303001" /> <display value="Family history of diabetes mellitus" /> </coding> <text value="Do you have a parent, brother, sister and/or own child with diabetes" /> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient/b573262f-a1d7-4083-891a-7edd71bc459e" /> <display value="Mr William Smith" /> </subject> <effectiveDateTime value="2023-05-26T05:13:58.810Z" /> <issued value="2023-05-26T05:13:58.810Z" /> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="430679000" /> <display value="Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2" /> </coding> <text value="Family history of diabetes mellitus type 2" /> </valueCodeableConcept> <derivedFrom> <reference value="QuestionnaireResponse/QR-1685078038814-2-54cf930ef7ce9" /> </derivedFrom> </Observation>