HL7 v2 Events and Ad Hoc FHIR RESTful Events

The mappings to FHIR are indicative and would follow FHIR Workflow Ad Hoc Communication - Option A: Simple RESTful POST or PUT

See also NHS England Interoperability Handbook - Message Broker


In HL7 v2, the message broker is normally called a Trust Integration Engine (TIE)

NHS England specifications for HL7 v2 ADT


NHS England specifications for HL7 FHIR RESTful Ad Hoc

Admission, Discharge and Transder (ADT)

Event Code Description Event Request FHIR Resource
A28 Create/Register Patient Patient (POST)
A31 Update Patient demographics Patient (PUT)
A01 Patient admitted (inpatient) Encounter (POST)
A02 Patient transferred (between wards) Encounter (POST)
A03 Patient discharged Encounter (POST)
A04 Patient visit (inc arrival for appointment) Encounter (POST)
A05 Pre Admission (inpatient) or Planned Appointment (outpatient)Encounter / Appointment (POST)
A08 Patient visit update Encounter (PUT)
A11 Cancel Admission Encounter (DEL)
A12 Cancel Transfer Encounter (DEL)
A13 Cancel Admission Encounter (DEL)


Group Event Code Description Event Request FHIR Resource
ORM/OMG/ORU/OM1 R01 Observation Message DiagnosticReport (POST)
Observation (POST)
Binary (POST)
ORM/OMG/ORU/OM1 O01 Order (diagnostic test, referral or prescription) ServiceRequest / MedicationRequest (POST)
REF I12 Referral ServiceRequest (POST)
MDM T01 Document Notification DocumentReference (POST)
MDM T02 Document Notification and content Binary (POST)
DocumentReference (POST)
MDM T03 / T04 / T07 / T08 / T09 / T10 Document Notification Update (more fine grained) DocumentReference (PUT)