Bake Syntax Specification

Creating a package

With FHIR, you publish your company, regional or national specification as a FHIR package, so that they can be read by others.

The project in which you are working on that specification, can contain a lot of data that does not need to, and should not go, into the publication (package).

Data that should go into a package:

  • Finished profiles in JSON format
  • Relevant example resources
  • Finished terminology resources

Data that should not go into a package

  • Source files, like yaml gen, FSH
  • Test resources
  • Unfinished profiles
  • XML resources (generally)

What a bake script does

A Bake script helps you bake your publication: they generate, filter and transform your project data to it's final form.


You can also use bake scripts for different purposes, like just generating content when you push source files to your project.