Quality Control Specification


Every rule has its own name. You can provide your own name. It must be a single word, but it may contain hyphens or underscores.

If you do not provide a name, it will be generated with a generic tally name: rule-1, rule-2, etc.


See below a hypothetical file company.rules.yaml.

- name: acme-publisher
  predicate: StructureDefinition.publisher = 'ACME'

Within this series, the rule has the name acme-publisher. And in the Quality Control engine, it will be identified as myrules.acme-publisher, based on the series name company and the rule name acme-publisher.


The name and the series where the rule belongs to, together define the rule identifier.

The name property is the identifier for a rule. It's not allowed to have multiple rules with the same name.

The name property is optional, and will be generated when not provided.