Quality Control Specification - DEPRECATED


The error and error-message properties allow you to customize error messages. For every issue encountered by this rule, the error will be defined by these two properties.


The error property allows you to set the error code or system - and - code, separated with a vertical bar |:

- error: https://mysystem.org/errors|ERROR1

- error: ERROR1


The error-message allows you to define a custom error message. For some rules, like bulk validation this is not advised, but if you create your own rules like a predicate, it might help the receiver of the issue to have a more concrete explanation, other than that the predicate failed on a resource. For example:

- predicate: id.exists()

The message that this rule would produce will look something like this: "Predicate failed for rule-3". You can improve this a lot by providing a custom message:

- predicate: id.exists()
  error-message: This resource does not have an id

The quality control engine is always able to generate an error message. If no error message is provided, a standard error is generated.


This feature is expected to be available near the end of februari 2022

If you want to influence the level of an error, you can do this with the severity attribute. There are three possible values:

  • info
  • warning
  • error

For example:

- predicate: id.exists()
  severity: warning

By default, all custom rules either produce an error, or a level that is encoded within the rule itself. For example, validation can produce errors, warnings and info messages. A predicate will by default always give an error level issue.

Do keep in mind that with the severity property all issues coming out of that rule, will be set to the severity level that you defined, regardless of what they were. So use it with care.