Learn from NHS Digital and HL7 Germany how to develop FHIR standards.
Get to know what is possible in Simplifier.net. An overview of free and paid features.
FHIR is transforming interoperability in healthcare – but exactly what is it?
Learn from NHS Digital and HL7 Germany how to develop FHIR standards.
Get to know what is possible in Simplifier.net. An overview of free and paid features.
FHIR is transforming interoperability in healthcare – but exactly what is it?
Simplifer.net is a feature rich platform where you find all defining HL7 FHIR resources.
Create a free account to contribute and publish your FHIR resources. Get all the tooling you need to manage your use case.
Simplifier.net, making FHIR even simpler.
SIGN UPeRezept |
E-Rezept-Workflow |
Basisprofil DE (R4) |
Rede Nacional de Dados em Saúde |
eRezeptAbgabedaten |
Nictiz STU3 Zib 2017 |
HL7 FHIR® UK Core R4 |
eRezeptAbrechnungsdaten |
The registry.fhir.org is a central point to search for published FHIR Resources:
You can find published STU3 and R4 profiles, extensions, terminology-related and other conformance resources.