FQL is a query language that allows you to retrieve, filter and project data from any data source containing FHIR Resources. It brings the power of three existing languages together: SQL, JSON and FhirPath. It allows you to create tables and is useful for gaining insight and perform quality control.
What is FQL?
FQL Query resources
FQL Playground
Try Firely Query Language in our playground by using this scope as data source.
- FQL Documentation
FQL Language
Syntax specification
To learn more about FQL syntax choose this menu item.
YamlGen Generate resources
YamlGen Playground
Try YamlGen in our playground by using this scope as data source.
YamlGen Language
YamlGen Syntax specification
To learn more about YamlGen syntax choose this.
FHIRPath Inspect resource
FHIRPath Playground
Try out the FHIRPath playground and navigate inside this resource.
FHIRPath Documentation
FHIRPath Documentation
Find out what FHIRPath is or learn how to write FHIRPath scripts.
Project FHIR API
The project FHIR API endpoint is not yet available for R4B FHIR version.
Simplifier FHIR API
The global FHIR API endpoint is not yet available for R4B FHIR version.
Custom Example generation
Custom Example generation beta
Experiment with resource instance generation using YamlGen and based on this profile.
This feature is in beta. You can help us improve it by giving feedback with the feedback button at the top of the screen.
Laboratorisko izmeklējumu rezultātu pārskata PDF
Binary resource is used to exchange Laboratory Report PDF files. Laboratory Report attachments SHOULD NOT be embeded into Laboratory Report PDF file, other Binary resources SHOULD be created.
When Laboratory Report is being appended with additional results and new PDF document is being created in LIS, Binary resource containg previous version of PDF SHALL be updated (new Binary resource SHALL not be created).
When content of Laboratory Report PDF is incorrect either Binary resource SHALL be updated (in case of minor error and when laboratory service was actually provided to patient in the report) or corresponding Diagnostic Report SHALL be aborted (setting its status to entered-on-error and changing nothing in Binary resource).
Binary flow is mainly controlled by related the Diagnostic Report information (report status, subject, service provider etc).
- type Profile on Binary
- status Active
This resource matches a canonical claim from this project.
Claim: https://lab.vvis.gov.lv/fhir/
Canonical claims are used to verify ownership of your canonical URLs.