FQL is a query language that allows you to retrieve, filter and project data from any data source containing FHIR Resources. It brings the power of three existing languages together: SQL, JSON and FhirPath. It allows you to create tables and is useful for gaining insight and perform quality control.
What is FQL?
FQL Query resources
FQL Playground
Try Firely Query Language in our playground by using this scope as data source.
- FQL Documentation
FQL Language
Syntax specification
To learn more about FQL syntax choose this menu item.
YamlGen Generate resources
YamlGen Playground
Try YamlGen in our playground by using this scope as data source.
YamlGen Language
YamlGen Syntax specification
To learn more about YamlGen syntax choose this.
FHIRPath Inspect resource
FHIRPath Playground
Try out the FHIRPath playground and navigate inside this resource.
FHIRPath Documentation
FHIRPath Documentation
Find out what FHIRPath is or learn how to write FHIRPath scripts.
Project FHIR API
This is the location where you can find your resource using a FHIR client.
Simplifier FHIR API
The global endpoint is where users can search for all resources in Simplifier. Resources have a globally unique guid Id here.
Custom Example generation
Custom Example generation beta
Experiment with resource instance generation using YamlGen and based on this profile.
This feature is in beta. You can help us improve it by giving feedback with the feedback button at the top of the screen.
Family Member History (PS-CA)
This profile represents the constraints applied to the FamilyMemberHistory resource by the PS-CA project. Currently, there is no equivalent IPS UV profile and no ISO CEN IPS 17269 requirements for a family history section. This profile is considered a draft version, and is informed and created as per the requirements of the first jurisdiction (i.e. Alberta) to pilot its use in patient summary within jurisdictional context. The constraints have been compared against other Family Member History FHIR profiles in Canada (OMD Core Data Set, Telus Patient Chart) and Internationally (Swiss Mednet, CareConnect UK, NDHM India) and share many constraints in common with those profiles but represent the minimum requirements as they are known in Canada today. This profile is expected to be refined further as more jurisdictional requirements are defined and as more is known about use in the international patient summary space.
- type Profile on FamilyMemberHistory
- status Draft
The canonical from this resource does not match any claim in this context and conflicts with a claim from another scope.
Canonical claims are used to verify ownership of your canonical URLs.