This code system urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. defines the following codes:

Alert1Deeply asleepDiep in slaap (ogen dicht, geen reactie op omgeving)active
Alert2Lightly asleepLicht in slaap (ogen grotendeels gesloten, af en toe reactie)active
Alert3DrowsySlaperig (kind sluit vaak zijn ogen, reageert minder op omgeving)active
Alert4Awake and alertWakker en alert (kind reageert op omgeving)active
Alert5Awake and hyperalertWakker en hyper-alert (overdreven reactie op veranderingen)active

Additional Language Displays

CodeEnglish (United States) (English (United States), en)
Alert1Deeply asleep
Alert2Lightly asleep
Alert4Awake and alert
Alert5Awake and hyperalert


status code that indicates the status of the concept. Values found in this version of the code system are: activeCode