- Hinzufügen des Profil 'MaiaUpdateDatenquelle'
- Entfernen des Profil 'MaiaAuditEvent'
- MaiaUnterstuetzteLaboratoryLoincCodesVS wurde angepasst
- Umbenennung des CapabilityStatement von 'MAIA CapabilityStatement 1.0.0' zu 'MAIA 1.0 CapabilityStatement'
- Erweiterung um Provenance und das zu unterstützende Profil 'MaiaUpdateDatenquelle'
- Entfernung von AuditEvent und des zu unterstützenden Profils 'MaiaAuditEvent'
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Added extension definition for the mapping expression in a StructureMap
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feat: Add CodeSystem and ValueSet Relevance
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- IG/Consent:
- Liste der verfügbaren MII Consents zur Verwendung in Consent.policy.uri aktualisiert:
- Zusatzmodul ACRIBiS (Z2)
- Zusatzmodul Patientenbefragung (Z3)
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dgmc-allergy-intolerance-med - פרופיל עבור רגישות לתרופות
dgmc-allergy-intolerance-other - פרופיל עבור רגישות אחרת מקודדת
dgmc-allergy-intolerance-comment - פרופיל עבור רגישות אחרת, ברמת הערה בלבד (ללא קידוד)
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- created individual ValueSets for ICD-O-3 Morphology and Topography for enabling VS expansion via terminology server
- added binding to ICD-O-3 valuesets to "Diagnose Primärtumor" and "Verlaufshistologie" profiles
- corrected IG (typos, links, proper rendering of profiles)
- corrected missing snomed categories in examples for "Operation"-Profile
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To resolve dependencies
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1. KDS-ICU-Vitaldaten in ISIK 4 übernommen
2. Aktualisierung der Beatmungsprozeduren auf die aktuelle SNOMED CT-Version
3. Profilierung grundlegender Bilanzfaktoren
4. Abhängigkeit zu den Basisprofilen in Version 1.5.1
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Updates to patient data model
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## 2025-01-10 Version 0.11.23
- feat: added Invariant `CodingSytemCodeInv` throwing a warning if a Coding element is missing system or code. Added to:
- EndpointDirectory.meta.tag
- EndpointDirectory.connectionType
- EndpointDirectory.payloadType.coding
- OrganizationVisibility.valueCoding
- EndpointVisibility.valueCoding
- SpecialOpeningTimesEX.extension[qualifier].valueCoding
- NCPeHCountryEx.valueCoding
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.meta.tag
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.category.coding
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.type.coding
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.specialty.coding
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.communication.coding
- HealthcareServiceDirectory.characteristic.coding
- LocationDirectory.meta.tag
- OrganizationDirectory.meta.tag
- OrganizationDirectory.type.coding
- PractitionerDirectory.meta.tag
- PractitionerDirectory.qualification.code.coding
- PractitionerDirectory.communication.coding
- PractitionerRoleDirectory.meta.tag
- feat: added a data type profile `CodingWithCodeAndSystem` setting .code and .system to a min cardinality of 1. Applied in the derived strict profiles at the same elements as the `CodingSytemCodeInv` invariant.
- fix: added SearchParameters with Uplifted-Refchains extension for hapi fhir servers (was not included in 0.11.22 due to a technical issue)
- fix: added strict profiles: These profiles are derived from the VZD-profiles, are restricted non-MS elements to 0..0, add closed slicing. Purpose technical validation for VZD implementations (was not included in 0.11.22 due to a technical issue)
- fix: Extensions: OrganizationVisibility & EndpointVisibility had a required binding on Extension.value[x] which implies a min cardinality of 1. valueCoding is now set to 1.. explicitly.
- feat: upgraded dependency de.basisprofil.r4 to version 1.5.1. This has no direct impact on the vzd.
### data migration
- none
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- Versionsangaben in alles Ressourcen korrigiert
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fix for examples in base project folder
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Testing if this produces 1.0.0 package
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Removed Location and Encounter resources from MedicationAdministration scenario
MedicationAdministration resourced (data-in and data-out) medicationAdministration.context the reference to Encounter Resource and MS flag was removed, the cardinality was relaxed to 0..1
Messages: MedicationAdministration messages submit and search were updated- reference to encounter and location resources have been removed
patient.telecom.system fixed value 'phone' has been removed for the both data-in and data-out.
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v1.5.1 - 07.01.25
* `changed` Vitalparameter Slices jetzt: loinc, loinc-zusatzcode, snomed
* `changed` jedes Profile hat einen loinc-slice 1..1 mit dem “magic” Code aus Vitalsigns, statt des Patterns auf .code
* `changed` loinc-zusatzcode & snomed slices gibt es nur in Profilen die auf diesen slices entweder einen einzelcode definieren (pattern) oder ein VS binding haben
* `changed` snomed slice mit pattern.system auf Snomed entfällt
* `changed` EKGDE enthält jetzt 2 slices für die komponenten: deprecatedLeadCodes und ekgLeads.
* deprecatedLeadCodes: die bisherigen falschen Loinc Part Codes der Ableitungen
* ekgLeads: binding auf ein SCT VS mit EKG lead codes für ein 12 kanal ekg
* `fixed` kvid-2 Invariante enthielt eine falsche Syntax
* `added` ObservationDePflegegrad: effective erlaubt jetzt auch dateTime, nicht mehr nur Period
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## Änderungen für Workflow 1.5.0
- `breaking-change` new meta.profile Version 1.5
- `breaking-change` new dependencies:
- kbv.ita.erp
- de.basisprofil.r4
- de gematik.epa.medication
- de gematik.terminology
- `breaking-change` Constraint for GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_DispReq to check if flowType matches referenced Task
- `new profile` GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_DiGA, used by Health Care Provider to interact with Patient concerning DiGA Prescriptions
- `retired profile` retired GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_InfoReq as it is not allowed
- `removed` Removed unused PerformerTypeVS
- `changed` Remove unused DocumentType Code #4 "Medication Dispense"
- `changed` Add Flag for Task to identify a Task redeemable in the EU
- `changed` Add Must Supports in GEM_ERP_PR_Medication
- `changed` EPADosage for GEM_ERP_PR_Medication.dosageInstruction
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## Änderungen Patientenrechnung 1.1.0 (RC)
- `breaking-change` new meta.profile Version 1.1
- `breaking-change` new dependencies:
- de.basisprofil.r4
- `breaking-change` new KVID Identifier from de.basisprofil.r4 (PKV Identifier is not allowed anymore)
- `breaking-change` GEM_ERPCHRG_PR_Consent.category now requires the use of GEM_ERPCHRG_VS_ConsentType
- `changed` fixed Slicing in ChargeItem
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Minor updates to examples, ConceptMaps and dependencies
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