Welcome to the Swedish eHealth Agency @ Simplifier

The Swedish eHealth Agency is a government agency that works to digitalise and improve the sharing of information between patients, the healthcare system and pharmacies in Sweden.

We offer a number of e-health services and digital solutions for individuals as well as staff working in healthcare and social services. The e-prescription service and the Covid certificates service are the most well-known.

What does the Swedish eHealth Agency do?

The Swedish eHealth Agency has many responsibilities. Here are some examples:

We carry out the government's e-health initiatives. We store digital prescriptions from doctors and forward them to pharmacies. We offer a Medicine Check service that allows you to log in and view information about your prescriptions. You can also see when you will be eligible for the high-cost protection card. When you receive this card, you no longer have to pay for medicines for a set period of time. We collect information about the quantities of and which medicines have been sold in Sweden. We offer the Electronic Expert Support service to help pharmacies check whether your prescription medicines work together.

Our mission

The Swedish eHealth Agency coordinates the government's e-health initiatives and monitors developments in the e-health field, both nationally and internationally. We are also responsible for registers and IT services used by individuals, healthcare providers and pharmacies.

Contact us

You can find more information about us at https://www.ehalsomyndigheten.se/languages/english/welcome-to-the-swedish-ehealth-agency/

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The Swedish National Medication List, development branch
This implementation guide is related to the development branch of the Swedish National Medication List (NLL) and covers features coming in a future release.
The Swedish National Medication List previous version 21.11
This implementation guide is related to previous version 21.11 of the Swedish National Medication List (NLL).
The Swedish National Medication List, current version 21.12
This implementation guide is related to the current version 21.12 of the Swedish National Medication List (NLL).
Marknadsföringsinformation till Läkemedelsverket
This implementation guide is intended for the use case of providing the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) with information of marketing status changes of medicinal products.
The Swedish National Catalog of Organization, Offerings and Contracts - development branch
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