The mission of the non-profit association Interop'Santé is to build and promote standardized semantic interoperability in the field of healthcare in France. This association embeds HL7 France, the French affiliate of HL7 International, as well as IHE France, the French affiliate of IHE International. Interop'Santé in its HL7 France component has signed a development license agreement with SNOMED International, so as to be able to include SNOMED CT content in its products (specifications, implementation guides, value sets). Implementation, deployment and usage of any SNOMED CT content is subject to the signature of a SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement.

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Released packages
HL7France-Clinicalprofils.072021 0.1.0    1 version (s) | last updated
hl7-france-fhir.administrative 11.2021.1    3 version (s) | last updated
hl7-france-fhir.administrative-2022 1.0.0    1 version (s) | last updated
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The implementation of ressources delivered by HL7 France in the domain Medication.
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