

The following coded values are used to describe administrative and clinical concepts within the FHIR elements to meet structural requirements of both the data model profiles and user interfaces.

Whenever possible, value sets and code systems were taken from the US Core Terminology and/or FHIR Core Terminology that were associated with the resources for interoperability.


ValueSet resources have been "expanded" utilizing the ValueSet.expansion element backbone. This is because Azure FHIR Service lacks a terminology server, so any value set that is not extensional required an enumerated lists of all values for display.

  • Expanded value sets retain their original Canonical URL if they are otherwise unmodified
  • Any changes to the original value set including adding or removing a code system, defining additional values, or removing values from the ValueSet.compose element is considered a custom value set and will be recorded on Custom Terminology.

HL7 value sets defined by this implementation guide

Value Set Description Profile(s) Binding Strength
AddressType The type of an address (physical / postal). - Organization.address.type
- Organization.contact.address.type
- Patient.address.type
- Practitioner.address.type
- Location.address.type
AddressUse The use of an address Organization - Organization.address.use
Organization - Organization.contact.address.use
Patient - Patient.address.use
Practitioner - Practitioner.address.use
Location - Location.address.use
ContactPointSystem Telecommunications form for contact point Organization - Organization.telecom.system
Organization - Organization.contact.telecom.system
Practitioner - Practitioner.telecom.system
PractitionerRole - PractitionerRole.telecom.system
HealthcareService - HealthcareService.telecom.system
Location - Location.telecom.system
OrganizationAffiliation - OrganizationAffiliation.telecom.system
ContactPointUse Use of contact point Organization - Organization.telecom.use
Organization - Organization.contact.telecom.use
Practitioner - Practitioner.telecom.use
PractitionerRole - PractitionerRole.telecom.use
HealthcareService - HealthcareService.telecom.use
Location - Location.telecom.use
OrganizationAffiliation - OrganizationAffiliation.telecom.use
OrganizationType Kind of organization Organization - Organization.type Example
ContactEntityType The type of contact Organization - Organization.contact.purpose Extensible
UspsTwoLetterAlphabeticCodes Sub-unit of country Organization - Organization.address.state
Practitioner - Practitioner.address.state
Location - Location.address.state
NameUse The use of a human name Organization - Organization.contact.name.use
Organization - Organization.contact.name.use
Practitioner - Practitioner.name.use
AdministrativeGender The gender of a person used for administrative purposes Patient - Patient.gender
Practitioner - Practitioner.gender
OmbRaceCategories Omb Race categories Patient - Patient.extension:race:ombCategory Required
DetailedRace Detailed Race Patient - Patient.extension:race:detailed Required
OmbEthinicityCategories Omb Ethnicity Categories Patient - Patient.extension:ethnicity:ombCategory.value[x] Required
DetailedEthnicity Detailed Ethnicity Patient - Patient.extension:ethnicity:detailed.value[x] Required
BirthSex Sex at birth Patient - Patient.extension:birthsex.value[x] Required
GenderIdentity This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate a patient's gender identity Patient - Patient.extension:genderIdentity.value[x] Extensible
IdentifierUse Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known Patient - Patient.identifier.use
Encounter -Encounter.identifier.use
Organization -Organization.Identifier.use
Practitioner -Practitioner.Identifier.use
Practitioner -Practitioner.identifier:NPI.use
PractitionerRole -PractionerRole.Identifier.use
Procedure -Procedure.identifier.use
Location -Location.Identifier.use
Observation -Observation.identifier.use
Condition -Condition.Identifier.use
QuestionnaireResponse -QuestionnaireResponse.Identifier.use
EpisodeOfCare -EpisodeOfCare.Identifier.use
OrganizationAffiliation -OrganizationAffiliation.Identifier.use
HealthcareService -HealthcareService.Identifier.use
ServiceRequest -ServiceRequest.identifier.use
ServiceRequest -ServiceRequest.requisition.use
Coverage -Coverage.identifier.use
Contract -Contract.identifier.use
Contract -Contract.term.identifier.use
Account -Account.identifier.use
Invoice -Invoice.identifier.use
IdentifierType A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose Patient - Patient.identifier.type
Encounter -Encounter.dentifier.type
Organization -Organization.Identifier.type
Practitioner -Practitioner.Identifier.type
Practitioner -Practitioner.identifier:NPI.type
PractitionerRole -PractionerRole.Identifier.type
Procedure -Procedure.dentifier.type
Location -Location.Identifier.type
Observation -Observation.identifier.type
Condition -Condition.Identifier.type
QuestionnaireResponse -QuestionnaireResponse.Identifier.type
EpisodeOfCare -EpisodeOfCare.Identifier.type
OrganizationAffiliation -OrganizationAffiliation.Identifier.type
HealthcareService -HealthcareService.Identifier.type
ServiceRequest -ServiceRequest.identifier.type
ServiceRequest -ServiceRequest.requisition.type
Coverage -Coverage.identifier.type
Contract -Contract.identifier.type
Contract -Contract.term.identifier.type
Account -Account.identifier.type
Invoice -Invoice.identifier.type
EncounterStatus Current state of the encounter Encounter - Encounter.status
Encounter - Encounter.statusHistory.status
EncounterClass Classification of patient encounter Encounter - Encounter.class
Encounter - Encounter.classHistory.class
USCoreEncounterType Specific type of encounter Encounter - Encounter.type Extensible
ServiceType Specific type of service Encounter - Encounter.serviceType
Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.type
v3-ActPriority Indicates the urgency of the encounter Encounter - Encounter.priority Example
ParticipantType Role of participant in encounter Encounter - Encounter.participant.type Extensible
DiagnosisRole Role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …) Encounter - Encounter.diagnosis.use
Episode Of Care - EpisodeOfCare.diagnosis.role
AdmitSource From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer) Encounter - Encounter.hospitalization.admitSource Preferred
ReAdmissionIndicator The type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission Encounter - Encounter.hospitalization.reAdmission Example
EncounterDiet Diet preferences reported by the patient Encounter - Encounter.hospitalization.dietPreference Example
EncounterSpecialCourtesy Special courtesies (VIP, board member) Encounter - Encounter.hospitalization.specialCourtesy Preferred
SpecialArrangements This defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the kinds of special arrangements in place for a patients visit. Encounter - Encounter.hospitalization.specialArrangement Preferred
EncounterLocationStatus The status of the location Encounter - Encounter.location.status Required
LocationType The physical type of the location (usually the level in the location hierachy - bed room ward etc.) Encounter - Encounter.location.physicalType Example
CommonLanguages Human language of the content Practitioner - Practitioner.photo.Language
Practitioner - Practitioner.communication
HealthcareService - HealthcareService.photo.Language
HealthcareService - HealthcareService.communication
DegreeLicenseCertificate Specific qualification the practitioner has to provide a service Practitioner - Practitioner.qualification.code Example
PractitionerRole Roles which this practitioner may perform PractitionerRole - PractitionerRole.code Extensible
PractitionerSpecialty Specific specialty of the practitioner PractitionerRole - PractitionerRole.specialty Extensible
EventStatus Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of an event Procedure - Procedure.status Required
ProcedureReasonCodes Reason for current status Procedure - Procedure.statusReason Example
ProcedureCategoryCodes Classification of the procedure Procedure - Procedure.category Example
USCoreProcedureCodes Identification of the procedure Procedure - Procedure.code Extensible
ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes Type of performance Procedure - Procedure.performer.function Example
ProcedureNotPerformedReasonCodes Coded reason procedure performed Procedure - Procedure.reasonCode Example
ProcedureOutcomeCodes The result of procedure Procedure - Procedure.outcome Example
ConditionCode Complication following the procedure Procedure - Procedure.complication Example
ProcedureFollowUpCodes Instructions for follow up Procedure - Procedure.followUp Example
ProcedureDeviceActionCodes Kind of change to device Procedure - Procedure.focalDevice.action Preferred
FHIRDeviceTypes Coded items used during the procedure Procedure - Procedure.usedCode Example
LocationStatus Indicates whether the location is still in use Location - Location.status Required
BedStatus The operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room) Location - Location.operationalStatus Preferred
LocationMode Indicates whether a resource instance represents a specific location or a class of locations. Location - Location.mode Required
ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Type of function performed Location - Location.type Extensible
Colorado counties codes Signal specific state codes Location - Location.address.state Extensible
LocationType Type of function performed Location - Location.physicalType Example
ObservationStatus Codes providing the status of an observation Simple Observation - Observation.status
Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.status
ObservationCategoryCodes Observation Category codes Simple Observation - Observation.category
Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.category:survey
DataAbsentReason Used to specify why the normally expected content of the data element is missing Simple Observation - Observation.dataAbsentReason
Simple Observation - Observation.dataAbsentReason
Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.component.dataAbsentReason
Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.component.dataAbsentReason
ObservationMethods How it was done Simple Observation - Observation.method Example
ObservationReferenceRangeMeaningCodes Reference range qualifier Simple Observation - Observation.referenceRange.type
Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.referenceRange.type
ObservationReferenceRangeAppliesToCodes Reference range population Simple Observation - Observation.referenceRange.appliesTo Example
ObservationReferenceRangeNormalValueCodes Codes that describe the normal value in the reference range, such as “Negative” or “Absent” Simple Observation - Observation.referenceRange.normalValue Extensible
USCoreScreeningAssessmentObservationCategory type of USCDI Health Status/Assessment data class being reported Observation Screening Assessment - Observation.category:screening-assessment Required
ConditionClinicalStatusCodes Preferred value set for Condition Clinical Status Condition Problems - Condition.clinicalStatus Required
ConditionVerificationStatus The verification status to support or decline the clinical status of the condition or diagnosis Condition Problems - Condition.verificationStatus Required
ConditionCategoryCodes Preferred value set for Condition Categories Condition Problems - Condition.category:us-core Required
USCoreScreeningAssessmentConditionCategory Type of USCDI Health Status/Assessment data class being reported Condition Problems - Condition.category:screening-assessment Required
ConditionDiagnosisSeverity Preferred value set for Condition/Diagnosis severity grading Condition Problems - Condition.severity Preferred
QuestionnaireResponseStatus Lifecycle status of the questionnaire response Questionnaire Response - QuestionnaireResponse.status Required
EpisodeOfCareStatus The status of the episode of care Episode Of Care - EpisodeOfCare.status
Episode Of Care - EpisodeOfCare.statusHistory.status
EpisodeOfCareType Type/class - e.g. specialist referral, disease management Episode Of Care - EpisodeOfCare.type Example
OrganizationAffiliationRole The role of one Organization in relation to another Organization Affiliation - OrganizationAffiliation.code Example
ServiceCategory codes that can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.category Example
PracticeSettingCodeValueSet The clinical specialty of the clinician or provider who interacted with, treated, or provided a service to/for the patient Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.specialty Preferred
ServiceProvisionConditions The code(s) that detail the conditions under which the healthcare service is available/offered Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.serviceProvisionCode Example
Program The codes that could be can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.program Example
ReferralMethod The methods of referral can be used when referring to a specific HealthcareService resource Healthcare Service - HealthcareService.referralMethod Example
RequestStatus The status of a service order Service Request - ServiceRequest.status Required
RequestIntent The kind of service request Service Request - ServiceRequest.intent Required
ServiceRequestCategoryCodes Classification of service Service Request - ServiceRequest.category:us-core Required
RequestPriority Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request Service Request - ServiceRequest.priority Required
ServiceRequestOrderDetailParameterCode Codified order entry details which are based on order context Service Request - ServiceRequest.orderDetail Example
RequestPriority Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request Service Request - ServiceRequest.priority Required
ServiceRequestOrderDetailParameterCode Codified order entry details which are based on order context Service Request - ServiceRequest.orderDetail Example
FinancialResourceStatusCodes A code specifying the state of the resource instance Coverage - Coverage.status Required
CoverageTypeAndSelfPayCodes Coverage category such as medical or accident Coverage - Coverage.type Extensible
SubscriberRelationshipCodes The relationship between the Subscriber and the Beneficiary (insured/covered party/patient) Coverage - Coverage.relationship Extensible
CoverageClassCodes The policy classifications, eg. Group, Plan, Class, etc Coverage - Coverage.class.type Extensible
CoverageCopayTypeCodes Cost category Coverage - Coverage.costToBeneficiary.type Extensible
CoverageFinancialExceptionCodes Exception category Coverage - Coverage.costToBeneficiary.exception.type Example
AccountStatus Indicates whether the account is available to be used Account - Account.status Required
AccountTypes The type of an account Account - Account.type Example
InvoiceStatus Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of an Invoice Invoice - Invoice.status Required
PriceComponentType Codes indicating the kind of the price component Invoice - Invoice.lineItem.priceComponent.type Required