

This page contains manually listed chagnes, which generally correspond to major changes additions or breaking changes.

Note: This IG is still under development. Changes should be expected often, including potentially breaking changes that will not be explicitly called-out. An effort will be made to list such changes here.

Detailed changes can be found on the GitHub 'main' commits page.

Chronological changes

Date Description New Package Version
2023-11-13 - Updated Structure Definition: Encounter Profile with substantial updates to .type and procedure code usage
- Updated Structure Definition: Procedure Profile usage to indicate a preference for Encounter.type
- Structure Definition: Communication updated .reasonReference with a note about the custom search parameter created for it.
- Reorganized Terminology to break out signal custom and survey pages from the index.
- Added ChargeItemDefinition to Finance Module, updated diagram, created Structure Definition: ChargeItemDefinition Profile.
2023-11-10 - Added finance Structure Definition pages
- Updated Finance Module with new potential resources, definitions, and updated conceptual diagram
2023-11-02 - Removed Observation Screening Assessment, no planned use ---
2023-10-31 - Fixed resource trees throughout
- Added description to Structure Definition: ServiceRequest Profile.
- Updated conceptual diagram for Clinical Categorization Module
2023-10-30 - IG updates, Org, practitioner, documentreference, and more ---
2023-10-04 - Updated Clinical Categorization Module diagram for Procedure-->Reference(Encounter)
- Created Structure Definition: Encounter Profile usage notes.
2023-09-29 - Updated Structure Definition: Task notes 0.1.8
2023-09-28 - Added profile notes to Structure Definition: Communication
- Added Practitioner resources to Organization Services Module
- Updated Clinical Categorization Module concpetual model for Practitioner
-Added notes to Structure Definition: Practitioner Profile and Structure Definition: PractitionerRole Profile
2023-09-26 - Combined Communications Module with File Exchange, creating the File Exchange and Communications Module
- Created Structure Definition: Communication, Structure Definition: CommunicationRequest, Structure Definition: Flag pages
2023-09-25 - Created Structure Definition: Task
- Added Task to File Exchange and Communications Module
- Renamed File Repository Module to File Exchange Module to align with business definitions (links should automatically update)
- Updated communications-module with additional information
2023-09-22 - Updated images on Organization Services Module
- Added note for future region add on Structure Definition: Location Profile
2023-09-21 - Updated Clinical Categorization Module with an example and additional clarification for EpisodeOfCare vs. Encounter rationale
- Created communications-module
2023-09-19 - Updated Structure Definition: DocumentReference with new information
- Updated Structure Definition: EpisodeOfCare Profile from last discussion
- Updated Structure Definition: HealthcareService Profile with latest elements
2023-09-14 - Created File Exchange and Communications Module
- Created Structure Definition: DocumentReference
- Created Changelog