
FHIR focus elements to business terms

The following describes Signal-specific aliases and definitions and how they align to FHIR resources. US Core profiles shall be used where they exist:

Signal term FHIR resource Notes
Client Patient Individual receiving services
Provider Organization, OrganizationAffiliation, Location Provider refers to the county-provider.
Admission EpisodeOfCare, Encounter Includes admission/discharge dates, modalities, payers.
EpisodeOfCare defined for type of service (prev. modality)
May have nested encounters for services during stay
Contract / Funding Agreement Contract Includes agreed-upon pricing/rates for procedure codes between a service organization and provider agency and/or location
Payer/Payor / Payer Account Organization Will reference as part of another Organization
Clinician Practitioner, PractitionerRole Individual providing services to a patient. May or may not be directly related to the provider
Referral Organization Match to different provider/organization
Service Codes Procedure, HealthServices Capture services rendered in Procedures.
Services available in HealthServices
Modality Organization.qualification, HealthServices, Service Type ASAM levels will be defined under Organization.qualification
Survey Observation (Screening Assessment) Questionnaire, QuestionnaireResponse Includes DACODS and CCAR surveys results (Questionnaire/Survey is simply linked to relevant manual)
linked to Encounter

Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Term/Acronym/Abbreviation Description
FHIR HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources Standard
HL7 Health Level Seven
asdf asdf
asdf asdf
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