Structure Definition: Encounter Profile

Canonical URL:

Simplifier project page: Signal Encounter

Derived from: US Core Encounter STU6 (R4)

Module: Clinical Categorization Module

Formal profile content

useΣ ?!0..1codeBinding
systemS Σ1..1uri
valueS Σ1..1string
periodΣ I0..1Period
assignerΣ I0..1Reference(Organization)
statusS Σ ?!1..1codeBinding
classS Σ1..1CodingBinding
typeS Σ1..*CodeableConceptBinding
subjectS Σ I1..1Reference(US Core Patient Profile)
episodeOfCareΣ I0..*Reference(EpisodeOfCare)
typeS Σ0..*CodeableConceptBinding
periodS I0..1Period
individualS Σ I0..1Reference(US Core Practitioner Profile | US Core PractitionerRole Profile | US Core RelatedPerson Profile)
appointmentΣ I0..*Reference(Appointment)
periodS I0..1Period
reasonCodeS Σ0..*CodeableConceptBinding
reasonReferenceS Σ I0..*Reference(US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile | US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile | US Core Procedure Profile | Observation | ImmunizationRecommendation)
conditionΣ I1..1Reference(Condition | Procedure)
originI0..1Reference(Location | Organization)
destinationI0..1Reference(Location | Organization)
locationS I1..1Reference(Location)
serviceProviderS I0..1Reference(US Core Organization Profile)
useΣ ?!0..1codeBinding
systemS Σ1..1uri
valueS Σ1..1string
periodΣ I0..1Period
assignerΣ I0..1Reference(Organization)
statusS Σ ?!1..1codeBinding
classS Σ1..1CodingBinding
typeS Σ1..*CodeableConceptBinding
subjectS Σ I1..1Reference(US Core Patient Profile)
episodeOfCareΣ I0..*Reference(EpisodeOfCare)
typeS Σ0..*CodeableConceptBinding
periodS I0..1Period
individualS Σ I0..1Reference(US Core Practitioner Profile | US Core PractitionerRole Profile | US Core RelatedPerson Profile)
appointmentΣ I0..*Reference(Appointment)
periodS I0..1Period
reasonCodeS Σ0..*CodeableConceptBinding
reasonReferenceS Σ I0..*Reference(US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile | US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile | US Core Procedure Profile | Observation | ImmunizationRecommendation)
conditionΣ I1..1Reference(Condition | Procedure)
originI0..1Reference(Location | Organization)
destinationI0..1Reference(Location | Organization)
locationS I1..1Reference(Location)
serviceProviderS I0..1Reference(US Core Organization Profile)
    "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "id": "signal-encounter",
    "url": "",
    "name": "SignalEncounter",
    "title": "Encounter Profile",
    "status": "active",
    "fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
    "kind": "resource",
    "abstract": false,
    "type": "Encounter",
    "baseDefinition": "",
    "derivation": "constraint",
    "differential": {
        "element":  [
                "id": "Encounter.serviceType",
                "path": "Encounter.serviceType",
                "binding": {
                    "strength": "required",
                    "valueSet": ""

Profile usage

This resource is used to capture an interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred.

Procedure and Encounter

In general, a Procedure resource may not be necessary for capturing the type of encounter for billing purposes, Encounter.type SHOULD be used for capturing billable codes and the primary description of the encounter.

The Procedure and encounter have references to each other (Procedure.encounter and Encounter.reasonReference, respectively). In the case both are used these SHOULD be to different procedure resources. I.E. the former for the procedure that was performed during the encounter (stored in Procedure.encounter). The latter used for cases where an encounter is a result of another procedure (stored in Encounter.reasonReference) such as a follow-up encounter to resolve complications from an earlier procedure.

See additional information on Structure Definition: Procedure Profile.

Encounter vs. Admission (EpisodeOfCare)

Per the Encounter scope and usage:

The admission component is intended to store the extended information relating to an admission event. It is always expected to be the same period as the encounter itself. Where the period is different, another encounter instance should be used to capture this information as a partOf this encounter instance.

The definition of admission in a Signal context does not fit for this use. We are using the Structure Definition: EpisodeOfCare Profile to store Signal's admission information. See Clinical Categorization Module for additional information on Encounter vs. EpisodeOfCare.

Special Note for available Encounter Procedure Codes

Encounter procedure codes (billable codes for services performed for a patient during an encounter) SHOULD be captured in Encounter.type (see below for more info). These codes will be populated through a complex set of logic to allow a provider to see only the most relevant codes based on a number of factors, including:

  1. Qualifications and licenses held by the provider location(s) selected as the serviceProvider via the Organization.extension.qualification on file
  2. Programs and services provided by their organization via the HealthcareService resource and the associated Service Category and Service Type SQL lookup/crosswalk table
  3. Potentially as services available via contracted rates

Profile element notes


  • Will typically contain finished in this system, since these typically only entered after they have occurred. An exception would be when an encounter is entered-in-error and should be completely removed from the patient's medical record after it came into the system.


  • Determined by provider.
  • Will typically contain AMB, as this represents healthcare in a practitioner's office or nonresident care.
  • For long term care, IMP will likely be used to represent a patient admitted to a facility.
  • See value set definitions for more information.


  • SHALL contain the procedure code representing the encounter.
  • This code is not required to have an explicit contracted rate based on the provider and procedure.
  • In the case this code is not billable encounter for a provider, the code SHOULD represent the same concept as the healthcare service performed. E.g. an Encounter record for a survey may not have an associated bill but SHOULD represent that procedure in CPT or SNOMED terminology.
  • See for Finance Module for billing information.


  • SHALL represent the Signal Service Type (defined by BHA or other) for high-level categorization
  • SHOULD match service type(s) available on the EpisodeOfCare


  • SHALL reference the Patient/client defined on the EpisodeOfCare


  • EpisodeOfCare resource that contains the patient, program(s) and service type(s)
  • SHOULD match [one of] the service type(s) on the EpisodeOfCare
  • MAY point to more than one EpisodeOfCare if service is applicable to a plurality of concurrent ongoing services (EpisodeOfCare resources) for the same patient


  • MAY represent the Referral that caused the initial admission.
  • The referral information will also be contained on EpisodeOfCare and SHALL be preferentially used to Encounter


  • SHOULD reference the Structure Definition: Practitioner Profile for the primary performer (see .participant.type)
  • .participant.type SHOULD be set to PPRF to indicate this as the primary performer
  • When the element is populated, this individual SHOULD be listed there if it is used here

.reasonReference or .reasonCode

  • MAY represent a procedure or condition that caused this encounter
  • SHALL NOT represent the services performed during this Encounter. Encounter.type will be the primary method to identify the type of encounter. Furthermore, Structure Definition: Procedure Profile may reference this encounter with additional type and/or information.)


  • The start and end time of the encounter


  • MAY be used to represent time the encounter lasted. In this case it SHALL match applicable time units on Structure Definition: ChargeItem Profile
  • This SHOULD NOT be used for billing purposes but instead for reporting puroses on Encounter lengths


  • MAY be used to specify payer and/or funding that is different from one specified on EpisodeOfCare




  • MAY be used to point to encounter that created this encounter
